The find command in Linux is a command-line utility for traversing the file hierarchy. It can be used to find and track files and directories. It supports searching by file, folder, name, creation date, modification date, owner and permissions. By using the ‘-exec’ command, you can exec...
the command affects the order in which different search types (such as by name or type) are performed, impacting the overall speed and performance of the search process.
0 combine find and grep into a single command 0 Using find and grep in a specifc file in a specific directory 12 How do you grep results from 'find'? 0 Combining find and ls 0 Using find grep together 15 Bash : Piping Find into Grep 0 grep and find not working in shell s...
find path -option [ -print ] [ -exec -ok command ] {} \; 参数说明 : find 根据下列规则判断 path 和 expression,在命令列上第一个 - ( ) , ! 之前的部份为 path,之后的是 expression。如果 path 是空字串则使用目前路径,如果 expression 是空字串则使用 -print 为预设 expression。 expression 中...
actions部分一般都是执行某些命令,或实现某些功能。这部分是find的command line部分。 -delete|删除文件,如果删除成功则返回true,如果删除失败,将给出错误信息。"-delete"动作隐含"-depth"。---execcommand ;|注意有个分号";"结尾,该action是用于执行给定的命令。如果命令的返回状态码为0则该action返回true。|command...
Linux报错:bash:vi:command not find 如何解决 Linux 命令行输入命令执行后报“bash:vi:command not found”,这是由于系统 PATH 设置问题,PATH没有设置正确,系统就无法找到精确命令了。 解决办法: 1、在命令行中输入:export PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/X11R6/bin 这样可以保证命令行命令暂时...
/.bash_history ./.xauthj5FCx1 It should be noted that locating a file with the find command itself changes that file’s access time as part of its metadata. You can also find files that have been modified or accessed in comparison to a specific file with the options -newer, -anewer,...
8)-exec可以对查找出来的文件执行参数后跟的操作,这个参数的常见格式是-exec command ; 后面的分号是用来给find做标记用的,find在解析命令的时候,要区分给定的参数是要传给自己的还是要传给command命令的,所以find以分号作为要执行命令所有参数的结束标记。下图命令是在/zxy下查找文件权限u、g、o位(只要)任意一位...
果然还是英文搜索好到了最终解决的答案: 最后搜到了这篇:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38843212/how-to-use-echo-with-find-in-bash, 既然是菜鸡,当然是按图索骥再顺便学习了bash -c的用法How to use positional parameters with “bash -c” command?。