2. 确认file命令是否安装 file 命令是大多数Linux发行版中预装的工具,用于确定文件类型。但是,在某些情况下,如果系统被高度定制或精简,它可能没有被安装。 您可以通过尝试运行 file --version 来检查 file 命令是否已安装。如果系统返回 bash: file: command not found,则说明 file 命令未安装。
那么,sh test.sh与./test.sh两种命令有了不同的执行结果也就不足为奇。 在执行./test.sh命令时,bash会自动生成一个subshell来执行该命令,即执行filename arguments等 同于执行bash filename arguments。 4.2还剩下的一个问题是,dash与bash究竟有什么区别? Ubuntu wiki上给出了答案。自Ubuntu 6.10以后,系统的默...
我注意到,如果脚本在行尾包含回车字符,bash将拒绝运行脚本。要观察这一点,请创建一个文件hello.sh:现在授予它执行权限:并运行:./hello.sh。它工作得很完美!/hello.shbash: ./hello.sh: cannot execute: required file not found 为什么它不能运行脚本</ ...
我注意到,如果脚本在行尾包含回车字符,bash将拒绝运行脚本。要观察这一点,请创建一个文件hello.sh:现在授予它执行权限:并运行:./hello.sh。它工作得很完美!/hello.shbash: ./hello.sh: cannot execute: required file not found 为什么它不能运行脚本?
[email protected]:~/scripts# sample-bash: sample: command not found 1. 因为你需要显式指定 shell 解释器或可执行脚本的路径! 如果你在其他目录下,在未提供文件正确路径的情况下,运行 shell 脚本,则会有“找不到文件no such file or directory”的报错。
you'll get: fakecommand: command not found, whereas in your situation the output you are seeing is actually coming from adb even though it's not very clear that is the case. shareimprove this answer answered Apr 14 '12 at 18:00 Justin Buser 809911 add a comment up vote1down vote...
下载完repo 代码后,运行sudo bash build/prebuilts_download.sh 下载了好久,然后报错FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/openharmony4.0/prebuilts/build-tools/common/nodejs/current/bin/npm' 在/home/openharmony4.0/prebuilts/build-tools/common/nodejs下面有current 但是进不...
$ file deploy-development.sh
Turned out to be a relatively simple fix, I was hung up on the file not fond, but didn't pay attention to the "or was not executable" part. Infact that was the problem. chmod +x /bin/bash_il fixed the issue. 👍 1 why-not closed this as completed Oct 1, 2019 github-acti...
This is most likely not the correct error caused byhttps://github.com/docker/docker/blob/master/daemon/start.go#L142 Where it's not checking if the returned error is mentioning the container command or some other path as not found.