针对你遇到的问题“-bash: ./test.sh: cannot execute: required file not found”,我们可以从以下几个方面进行排查和解决: 确认test.sh文件存在且路径正确: 首先,你需要确保test.sh文件确实存在于你尝试执行的目录中。你可以使用ls命令来列出当前目录下的所有文件,以确认test.sh是否存在: bash ls 如果文件不...
根据你提供的信息,出现"-bash: ./hhb_runtime: cannot execute: required file not found"错误的原因...
Benjamin-Loison changed the title [Bug]: *cannot execute: required file not found* on crontab script.py with #!/usr/bin/python3 [Bug]: bash: line 1: ./test.py: cannot execute: required file not found on crontab ./test.py with #!/usr/bin/python3 Jul 28, 2024 Benjamin-Loison clo...
我注意到,如果脚本在行尾包含回车字符,bash将拒绝运行脚本。要观察这一点,请创建一个文件hello.sh:现在授予它执行权限:并运行:./hello.sh。它工作得很完美!/hello.shbash: ./hello.sh: cannot execute: required file not found 为什么它不能运行脚本</ ...
我注意到,如果脚本在行尾包含回车字符,bash将拒绝运行脚本。要观察这一点,请创建一个文件hello.sh:现在授予它执行权限:并运行:./hello.sh。它工作得很完美!/hello.shbash: ./hello.sh: cannot execute: required file not found 为什么它不能运行脚本?
$command_to_execute;thenecho"Command execution failed"exit1# Exit with non-zero status codefi Copy Output: ad@DESKTOP-3KE0KU4:~$ ./test1.sh ls: cannot access 'file100.txt': No such file or directory Command execution failed Explanation:...
When an interactive shell that is not a login shell is started, bash reads and executes commands from ~/.bashrc, if that file exists. This may be inhibited by using the --norc option. The --rcfile file option will force bash to read and execute commands from file instead of ~/....
However, if the path where the command you want to execute is located isn't set, you will get the "command not found" error on Mac, such as "zsh: command not found" or "zsh: command not found ls". In which case, you need to first make sure the $PATH where commands reside is ...
The open-source components of macOS. Using the "GitHub File Diff" Chrome/Firefox extension is recommended as most commits are too large to view fully. - macos/bash/bash.info at master · apple-open-source/macos
/hello.shbash: ./hello.sh: cannot execute: required file not found 为什么它不能运行脚本</ 浏览0提问于2023-02-12得票数 0 回答已采纳 3回答 运行脚本时错误消息“源:未找到” 、、 我正在创建一个小的自动设置脚本,如果没有导出一些路径,它将修改/etc/profile和$HOME/.profile。然后,我想自动重新...