哎呀,您甚至可以编写 filename="${fullfile##*/}" 并避免调用额外的basename 如果文件没有扩展名,则此“解决方案”不起作用-相反,会输出整个文件名,考虑到无扩展名的文件无处不在,这非常糟糕。 修复处理不带扩展名的文件名:extension=$([[ "$filename" = *.* ]] && echo ".${filename##*.}" || ...
Here, we used the -f 1 to extract the first field before the delimiter and printed it on the console, as demonstrated in the above output. Using awk Command Use the awk command to get the filename without extension in Bash. Use awk Command 1 2 3 4 filename=/home/john/Desktop/...
basename filename .extension filename 2018-12-2900 烷刨画颠离 你可以使用POSIX变量的神奇之处: bash-3.2$ FILENAME=somefile.tar.gz bash-3.2$ echo ${FILENAME%%.*} somefile bash-3.2$ echo ${FILENAME%.*} somefile.tar 有一点需要注意,如果你的文件名是 ./somefile.tar.gz ,那么 echo ${FILE...
For multiples extensions files: nsoualem@gold: ->FILE=archive.tar.gz nsoualem@gold: ->echo${FILE%%.*}archive nsoualem@gold: ->echo${FILE%.*}archive.tar nsoualem@gold: ->echo${FILE#*.}tar.gz nsoualem@gold: ->echo${FILE##*.}gz...
The script provided performs an iteration on every line in the input file (referred to as "vars" in this case) and executes a pattern match operation using=. When an equal sign is identified, the script utilizes Parameter Expansion to extract both the variable name and its corresponding value...
Massive change of file extension (bash) Change the file extension in batch. Useful to create output file names with same input name but distinct extension by including logic inside the loop 2 for file in *.txt; do mv "$file" "${file%.txt}.xml"; done neomefistox · 2019-10-24...
ShortNameDescription -f noglob Disable filename expansion (globbing). -i interactive Script runs in interactive mode. -n noexec Read commands, but don't execute them (syntax check). pipefail Make pipelines fail if any commands fail, not just if the final command fail. -t — Exit after ...
How to Display a List of Files in a Directory Using a Shell Command, Listing all files in dir, Script to compile filenames of all files in a directory into a single string for utilizing as a command line argument, Examining the Extension of All Files in