Theechocommand is used to display a line of text or string that is passed as an argument. It's one of the most basic and frequently used commands in Bash scripting. echo [option] [string] Printing text to the terminal: echo "Hello, World!" Output: Hello, World! Printing the value of...
for i in `seq 1 10`; do echo $i; done 这里我想强调的是,通过反引号(即键盘上Tab键上方的按键,注意不是单引号)将 seq 命令的输出结果,嵌入了 for 循环中直接使用。通过类似这种命令替换的方式,我们可以大大减少代码冗余,同时减少代码的出错几率。常见的替换方式有如下两种:OUTPUT=`command`# or OUT...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于bash echo 命令的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及bash echo 命令问答内容。更多bash echo 命令相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
-echo $变量名:用于显示制定变量 -env:用来查询环境变量, -set:显示shell变量,包括私有变量与用户变量,不同的shell有不同的私有变量,在shell中设置变量之后,可以通过set查到 -export:显示当前导出成用户变量的shell变量,也是用来查询环境变量的,shell的私有变量不会出现 ...
Printing Strings with the echo Command in Bash Shell When you think about the echo command, the first thing that comes to mind is printing string values to the console. Yes, the echo command returns strings directly from a command or script. ...
#echo "执行第 $_i 次:$_command" eval "$_command" done #unset PROMPT_COMMAND #unset BASH_COMMAND #_no_error() { # eval "" #} #trap _no_error 0 #exec 1>/dev/null 2>&1 exec 2>/dev/null #<---屏蔽掉数字开头的命令的错误输出 ...
echo "This is $File" > $File if [ -s $File ] then echo "$File exists and contains data." elif [ -e $File ] then echo "$File exists and is empty." else echo "$File does not exist." fi 图表2: 像在脚本里一样重写书写命令行程序 ...
Variables are an essential feature of bash programming in which we assign a label or name to refer to other quantities: such as an arithmetic command or a value. They are used to make the machine programs more readable for humans. Using the echo command you can display the output of a va...