Theechocommand is used to display a line of text or string that is passed as an argument. It's one of the most basic and frequently used commands in Bash scripting. echo [option] [string] Printing text to the terminal: echo "Hello, World!" Output: Hello, World! Printing the value of...
Linux Bash Shell学习(十八):String I/O——echo和printf 本文也即《Learning the bash Shell》3rd Edition的第七章Input/Output and Command-Line Processing之读书笔记之二。 echo echo是非常常用的shell命令。参数如下: -e:打开反斜杠字符backslash-escaped的解析,即对/n,/t等字符进行解析,而不视之为两个字符...
· echo:返回在shell提示符下键入的内容,类似于在Python中打印。 · date:显示当前时间和日期。 · cal:显示当月的日历。 · 清除终端:按住Ctrl-L或删除清除终端。 Bash命令基本知识 Bash命令是Bash可以独立执行的最小代码单元。这些命令告诉Bash需要做什么。Bash通常从用户方接收单个命令,并在命令执行后返回给用户。
echo "Parameter #10 is ${10}" fi echo "---" echo "All the command-line parameters are: "$*"" if [ $# -lt "$MINPARAMS" ] then echo echo "This script needs at least $MINPARAMS command-line arguments!" fi echo exit 0 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13....
· echo:返回在shell提示符下键入的内容,类似于在Python中打印。 · date:显示当前时间和日期。 · cal:显示当月的日历。 · 清除终端:按住Ctrl-L或删除清除终端。 Bash命令基本知识 Bash命令是Bash可以独立执行的最小代码单元。这些命令告诉Bash需要做什么。Bash通常从用户方接收单个命令,并在命令执行后返回给用户...
echo exit 0 运行代码: bash 1 2 10 The name of this script is "". The name of this script is "". Parameter #1 is 1 Parameter #2 is 2 --- All the command-line parameters are: 1 2 10 This script needs at least 10 command-line arguments...
· echo:返回在shell提示符下键入的内容,类似于在Python中打印。 · date:显示当前时间和日期。 · cal:显示当月的日历。 · 清除终端:按住Ctrl-L或删除清除终端。 Bash命令基本知识 Bash命令是Bash可以独立执行的最小代码单元。这些命令告诉Bash需要做什么。Bash通常从用户方接收单个命令,并在命令执行后返回给用户...
echo 'Please enter your name.' #Here we are reading the standard input and assigning it to the variable name with the read command. read name #We are now going back to standard output, by using echo and printing your name to the command line. ...
To display the exit code for the last command you ran on the command line, use the following command: $echo$? The displayed response contains no pomp or circumstance. It's simply a number. You might also receive a shell error message from Bash further describing the error, but the exit ...
"What if... you type an actual command the next time!" "What if I told you... it is possible to type valid commands." "Y u no speak computer???" "This is not Windows" "Perhaps you should leave the command line alone..." ...