执行脚本 提示 command not found 问题现象: 初学shell,写了个脚本, 1.从windows 写好 脚本,然后部署到 linux 上。 2.chmod +x之后执行提示command not found,系统环境redhat9,用echo $SHELL检查shell版本显示为/bin/bash,为了排错,写了一个最简单的文件testfile,内容如下: #!/bin/bash echo "hello linux ...
xclock is a handy tool to test if the DISPLAY variable is set properly and you can get a GUI based clock on running the “xclock” command as shown below. The package xorgs-x11-apps provides the xclock command. Installing the package providing the xclock command 1. Check the package wh...
typeset [-aAfFgiIlnrtux] [-p] [name[=value] ...]Declarevariablesand/orgive them attributes.Ifno names are giventhendisplay the valuesofvari‐ ables. The -poptionwill display the attributesandvaluesofeachname.When-pisusedwithname arguments, additional options, other than -fand-F, are igno...
-bash: service: command not found " Can somebody help me, I've got a feeling I need to reset my bash variables but I'm not sure how to and the other discussions on the internet seems rather confusing!! Thanks RobMacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10), Virgin Medi...
me@nano:~/Workspaces/jetson-inference/build$ cmake ..; make all; sudo make install me@nano:~/Workspaces/jetson-inference/build$ video-viewer /dev/video0 rtp:// nvbuf_utils: Could not get EGL display connection [gstreamer] initialized gstreamer, version [gstreamer...
List TCP Listening Ports netstat -lt List UDP Listening Ports netstat -lu Display PID netstat -tp Find Listening Programs netstat -lp Find a Process That Is Using a Particular Port using netstat command netstat -an | grep ':[port number]'...
To display the exit code for the last command you ran on the command line, use the following command: $echo$? The displayed response contains no pomp or circumstance. It's simply a number. You might also receive a shell error message from Bash further describing the error, but the exit ...
libXxf86misc.x86_64 0:1.0.3-4.el6 libmcpp.x86_64 0:2.7.2-4.1.el6 mcpp.x86_64 0:2.7.2-4.1.el6 Complete! 安装完成,,再在root下执行xhost [root@localhost database]# xhost + xhost: unable to open display ":0.0" xhost命令可以用啦啦。。
Mac电脑 出现这个问题,是因为当前可执行文件没有添加到path里面; 解决办法: 如果不想添加,这样使用...
display(default_head_name) plt.imshow(plt.imread('examples/source_image/{}.png'.format(default_head_name.value))) plt.axis('off') plt.show() Choose the image name to animate: (saved in folder 'examples/') StopIteration Traceback (most recent call last) ...