在Windows Bash(可能指Windows Subsystem for Linux, WSL)中遇到wget: command not found的错误信息,意味着你的系统中没有安装wget命令。wget是一个用于从网络上自动下载文件的命令行工具,它在Linux和类Unix系统中非常流行。以下是关于这个错误的详细解答: 1. wget: command not found错误信息的含义 当你在终端(如...
1.zip Whileusinggit-bash, you may need the zip command to zip files. Then you willgeterror like “command not found“. Thisisbecause git-bashisreally just a cut down version of mingw. Fortunately you can manually install the command yourself, not only zip, but any command you cangetfrom...
1.zip Whileusinggit-bash, you may need the zip command to zip files. Then you willgeterror like “command not found“. Thisisbecause git-bashisreally just a cut down version of mingw. Fortunately you can manually install the command yourself, not only zip, but any command you cangetfrom...
你需要确保 GitHub CLI 的安装目录(通常是包含gh可执行文件的目录)被添加到了 PATH 中。 使用错误的 shell 或终端: 有时,你可能在 Windows 上使用了多个终端或 shell(例如 PowerShell、CMD、Git Bash 等)。确保你在正确的终端或 shell 中运行gh命令。如果你安装了 GitHub CLI,但只在另一个终端中添加了 PATH...
$ echo never | sudo tee /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled bash: sudo: command not found Indeed, sudo is nowhere to be found on the virtualbox machine. How can I achieve the resolution recommended in this issue on Windows 7? narita1980 commented Nov 30, 2015 Do you use Dock...
两种可能:没有安装npm,请到官方下载你的对应平台版本网页链接 安装 安装了软件,但是没有添加到系统环境变量中,需要在环境变量添加
windows中git出现bash: tree: command not found 下载tree.exe 解压后, 复制tree.exe到目录下 此时tree命令就可以使用了! [参考] git bash 报错bash: *: command not found
今天在PC机上安装docker时出了点问题,Docker已经安装成功,但是找不到命令,后来回想了下,原来是自己安装在D盘,导致找不到系统命令。 一、问题出现 windows安装步骤 安装好了,但是执行docker命令出现找不到命令: bash: docker.exe: command not found 后来想了下,可能是因为安装在D盘,找不到路径的原因,这和当年学Ja...
“Use Git Bash as shell for Git projects” is in section 8.1 of the book. I did NOT confirm that that box was checked, because it's not in my RStudio. I'll try to recreate this error and send you screenshots and the output of echo $PATH | tr ':' '\n' krshedd commented Nov...
windows ionic bash: command not found 安装好了node.js和npm后,执行npm install -g cordova ionic后,成功安装,但是执行ionic命令后,返回 command not found. 配置好了环境变量后,仍然不行,并且按照网上的教程执行了nodejs安装目录下的Cygwin.bat文件,但是仍然显示command not found....