google上找到这个stackoverflow上的帖子,才知道Bash 4.0以上版本有更好的办法: 《How to convert a string to lower case in Bash?》 就是${parameter,,pattern},${parameter^^pattern}表达式,表达不会改变原来变量的值 代码语言:javascript 复制 #! /bin/bash# 注意:脚本第一行一定要注明脚本解释器是bash.不能...
Uppercase conversion: Write a Bash script that converts all text in a file named "temp.txt" to uppercase. Code: #!/bin/bash# Check if the file existsif[!-f"temp.txt"];thenecho"Error: File 'temp.txt' not found."exit1fi# Convert text in "temp.txt" to uppercase and save the ...
google上找到这个stackoverflow上的帖子,才知道Bash 4.0以上版本有更好的办法: 《How to convert a string to lower case in Bash?》 就是${parameter,,pattern},${parameter^^pattern}表达式,表达不会改变原来变量的值 #! /bin/bash # 注意:脚本第一行一定要注明脚本解释器是bash.不能是sh,或dash # 因为sh...
-help) echo "convert a file(s) to uppercase from lowercase" echo "convert a file(s) from lowercase to uppercase" echo "will convert all characters according to the" ;; echo " specified command option." echo " Where option is" echo " -l Convert to lowercase" echo " -u Convert to ...
This expansion modifies the case of alphabetic characters in parameter. The pattern is expanded to produce a pattern just as in pathname expansion. The ^ operator converts lowercase letters matching pattern to uppercase; the , operator converts matching uppercase letters to lowercase. ...
How can I convert uppercase to lowercase or the other way around in Bash? 本问题已经有最佳答案,请猛点这里访问。 Possible Duplicate: converting string to lower case in bash shell scripting 例如: 1234 echo ***Language translator*** echo please choose the language for Chinese enter c for Fre...
参考: 2019-03-1300 雄鞋谋塘 如果使用v4,这就是烘焙。如果没有,这是一个简单,广泛适用的解决方案。此线程上的其他答案(和注释)在创建下面的代码时非常有用。 # Like echo, but converts to lowercase ...
You can convert the case of the string more easily by using the new feature of Bash 4. ‘^’ symbol is used to convert the first character of any string to uppercase and ‘^^’ symbol is used to convert the whole string to the uppercase. ‘,’ symbol is
A script that convertsUPPERCASEtolowercaseand redirects the output to a text file “small.txt” which can be modified as required. #!/bin/bash echo -n "Enter File Name : " read fileName if [ ! -f $fileName ]; then echo "Filename $fileName does not exists" ...
How to convert a string to lower case in Bash? bash中是否有将字符串转换为小写字符串的方法? 例如,如果我有: 1 a="Hi all" 我想把它转换成: 1 "hi all" 相关讨论 See 在各种不同的方法是: </P > POSIX标准 TR ...