I have below css class, when I add it to my scss file, it works fine but if I add it to index.html its broken when I run ng serve. .header-pattern { background: url("...
Donald P. Baker
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There was some consistency between the findings in this study and the findings in a previous mortality study of Marines and Navy personnel at Camp Lejeune [31]. For example, in the previous study, elevated risks were found for kidney cancer, multiple myeloma, leukemia, rectal cancer, lung canc...
This passive naval electronic warfare solution with built-in artificial intelligence and cybersecurity is designed to keep vessels safe from 21st century threats and has already been selected for the French Navy’s FTI medium-size frigates programme. To protect vessels and crews and assert national ...
[REQUIRED] Describe your environment Operating System version: iOS 11.2 via React Native Firebase SDK version: firebase@4.11.0 Firebase Product: storage [REQUIRED] Describe the problem Steps to reproduce: When trying to upload a base64 e...