although there isn't actually any blood in it - it's just a dark muscle that runs down the center of the fish, and it's perfectly safe to eat).
Barramundi fish derive its name from the language of Australian aboriginal people native to the Queensland area. The name means “large-scaled river fish,” which is an apt description of the animal. It also has many other local or common names, including: Australian or Asian sea bass, barra...
I am the kind of person who knows they want to buy more sustainable fish, but doesn’t always know how to do that. Which is why now I’m going to tell you how to buy sustainable, delicious fish that will give you the stars in your eyes thing without making you drive to the specia...
Enter Josh Goldman, the founder of Australis, who has been on a mission for decades to find the perfect fish with an eco-friendly profile that could feed the world in a way that is safe, sustainable, delicious, and nutritious. After a search that spanned five continents and over 30 speci...