the AutoComb. Over the last few months we’ve been iterating and refining the design, so that it was ready for the big stage and, thanks to Anthony’s stellar
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【BaristaHustle】“溜溜球”手冲法(The Yo-Yo Pour) BH咖啡学习 04:01 【BaristaHustle】隐藏的温度影响 BH咖啡学习 7930 【BaristaHustle】杯测老刀盘实验 BH咖啡学习 8040 00:27 EK43 浓缩布粉法 BH咖啡学习 33451 03:33 【BaristaHustle】法压壶冲煮配方 ...
IOSN澳洲BH布粉针 AutoComb布粉器咖啡自动粉梳旋转打散BaristaHustle 现货 粉梳图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
酷桓澳洲BH布粉针 AutoComb布粉器咖啡自动粉梳旋转打散BaristaHustle 现货 粉梳图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
Barista Hustle is here to help the world make better coffee. Dive into our articles and free resources for baristas and coffee professionals.
We began by mixing ground coffee with boiling water in a cup, usingthe Comb WDT toolto ensure the water and coffee were fully mixed. We scooped the wet coffee into a portafilter basket, stirred with the Comb again to ensure even distribution, then laid a layer of cling film on top befor...
“The first thing that shocked us about using the Autocomb was the flavour profile of the coffee: it became more bright, the aromas were fruitier, with no more nutty flavour,” she says. By contrast, the shots aftershakingtasted far less pleasant. “There was a somewhat powdery texture, ...
Barista Hustle is here to help the world make better coffee. Dive into our articles and free resources for baristas and coffee professionals.