Taxi Barcelona, Online booking with priority collection and flat fare. Reliable Airport Transfers from Barcelona Airport to city centre. Last minute booking.
Barcelona, a taxi trip from Port Cruise to Basilica costs around 6.00 € . Calculate the price of your taxi trip in Barcelona.
Estimate taxi fares from/to the airport, hotels, bars, monuments or anywhere in Barcelona. Looking for another city?How much does a taxi cost from Cruise Port to Majestic Hotel in Barcelona, Spain The price estimate for this ride is 14.54 € .From: majestic hotel To: cruise port...
The closed price tariff will be applicable to apps, on mobile devices for contracting the AMB taxi service where the end user of the application is the taxi customer. Tariff T-4: Fixed rate €45,00 for trips from the airport to Cruise Port terminals (Port of Barcelona), and vice versa,...
A Barcelona taxi fare should cost around€35 to €40 from Barcelona city center Plaza Cataluña to Barcelona airport including 2 suitcases. There is a fixed flat rate - called T4 - for a Barcelona taxi to or from Barcelona airport to cruise ship wharf Moll Adossat in Port of Barcelona. ...
You can also order Barcelona taxis using taxi approved apps, like FreenowThere are minimum rates for airport and cruise port pickups but no extra charges for luggage, pets or wheelchairs. There are different fares for day and night. You can see Barcelona taxi fares specified in the taxis on...
They can also pick you from the airport, transport stations, the cruise port or your hotel or accommodation. The vehicle you hire can be a car or minibus of different sizes, depending on the size of your group. We recommend you book in advance to ensure availability during the Sonar event...
City centre to city centre with no formal check-in, just a brief X-ray baggage scan at the entrance to the platforms. Flying is a relay-race of train, airport, flight, airport, bus, taking up to 4 hours. These trains leave Barcelona Sants on the high-speed line towards Madrid - you...
The distance from Barcelona Airport to Sitges is approximately 32 km. This will take about 30 minutes in a taxi, costing around . Taxi Fare:€55.00 Sitges may be the only destination for your holiday. Alternatively it may form part of a larger tour of the area. If you are planning to ...
8. Ride the port cable car The 1,450-meter-long (4,757 ft) harbor aerial tramway connects Montjuïc Hill and Barceloneta. It starts in Barceloneta on the top of the 78-meter (255 ft) Torre San Sebastian tower and has an intermediate stop at Torre Jaume I tower (close to the Columbu...