2025 Price calculator Barcelona taxi prices updated January 2025See Barcelona Taxi prices. How much is a taxi from Barcelona airport to downtown Barcelona city center Plaza Cataluña? A Barcelona taxi fare should cost around€35 to €40 from Barcelona city center Plaza Cataluña to Barcelona air...
How much does a taxi cost fromBcn AirporttoSitgesin Barcelona, Spain It seems that we do not have fare information for this route yet. To calculate it now, please confirm that you are not a robot first :) Estimate the cost of a different taxi ride in Barcelona ...
You can also book your taxi from your phone: download the application "AMB Mobilitat" and skip the waiting at the arrival to the Airport. Taxi Stops at the airport Taxi ranks are located in front of both terminals: T1, T2 A, T2 B and T2C. Also in Barcelona-Madrid corridor area. Offic...
From: Mirror hotel barcelona To: Barcelona airport This estimate was last updated on 09 September 2023, over 1 year ago. This taxi cost estimation from Mirror hotel barcelona to Barcelona airport might be a bit outdated. You can recalculate it now, but we need to make sure you are not a...
Taxi Barcelona, Online booking with priority collection and flat fare. Reliable Airport Transfers from Barcelona Airport to city centre. Last minute booking.
Barcelona international airport city taxi services: prices, additional charges, taxi airport ranks. Taxi to Barcelona Airport, cab to Barcelona Airport
If you are reserving aTaxi from the airport of Barcelona, please fill in the form theflight numberand thearrival expected timeWe need this information to check your arrival airport terminal and to change your pickup time in case of flight delay!
Taxi Frankfurt airport Food and Drink There is a seemingly neverending number of places to eat and drink in Barcelona and, although the cost of eating out in the cityvaries enormouslydepending on where and what you decide to eat, we’ve given you a rough guide of what average prices look...
Train (RENFE) from airport to city:€4.10 + €2.15 (to switch to the Metro) Taxi from airport to city:€25-€35 Practical Travel Tips Many city-run museums are free on Sundays from 3-8pm. Many restaurants close around 2-4pm and don’t open back up until 8 pm. ...
Check Prices AIRPORT TAXI Find information about your Airport Transfers Read More! Barcelona Airport FAQ BARCELONA AIRPORT REVIEWS reviews 4.0 (55,146) Markus Oswald 17 hours ago Alles perfekt angeschrieben. Wenn man nach der Landung zur U Bahn möchte, nicht verzweifeln. Der Weg ist angeschrie...