Barbieis a clever and canny film that uses Margot Robbie (who also produced the picture) as the embodiment of “Stereotypical Barbie,” the perfectly-dressed and coiffed blond beauty who drives a pink Thunderbird convertible and resides in a literal dream house. She spends every day living her...
There were mixed results for “Barbenheimer” in the 2024 BAFTA FilmAwardsnominations, which were announced on Thursday (Jan. 18). Christopher Nolan’sOppenheimerwas the most nominated film, with 13 nods, butGreta Gerwig’sBarbiereceived just five nods and was passed over for both best film a...
Related The news was unveiled Tuesday morning (April 4) with a series of bubbly first-look movie posters featuring individual shots of each cast member looking perfectly plastic in costume. Dua’s solo shot shows her posing against a sparkly purple backdrop, wearing a bright blue wig and a m...