Ken (played by Ryan Gosling) is the hunky counterpart to the titular Barbie from the upcoming live-action film. Barbie and Ken have been iconic toys for decades, and now they're getting the full movie treatment as dolls brought to life. Ken wears several
He is one of the many Kens in Barbie Land. His partner Barbie is Physicist Barbie. His style is Western meets beach. He is portrayed by Ncuti Gatwa, who you may recognize asEric EffiongfromSex Educationand soon to be the 14th Doctor inDoctor Who. Check out Ryan Gosling's Ken costume...
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“And at that point, I hadn’t met Ryan and I didn’t really know how far he was going to go with Ken. It was quite a jump to be Ken. I didn’t know whether he would like the fur coat or not, but he was totally up for all of the costume choices, as you can tell.” ...
actor, Gosling was also willing to try any costume, all in pursuit of his craft. “I was a hamster in ‘The Mickey Mouse Club,’ just to figure it out,” Gosling says, “and all these ridiculous things. I could relate to Ken and the need to find yourself and distinguish yourself....
2. Scary Barbie and Ken If you are looking for a couple’s costume, then this will be perfect. These two are dressed up as the iconic duo Barbie and Ken. Both costumes use pieces that can easily be bought online so it is a great DIY look. Try something like this or try and recrea...
22. Free Crochet Barbie Centaur Costume Pattern Claire Olivia Golden brings a whimsical crochet project to life with her free Barbie Centaur Costume pattern. Perfect for anyone with a love for Greek mythology or unique crafts, this guide enables you to transform a standard Barbie into a charming...
Enhance your Barbie and Ken collection with these high-quality denim pants for Ken dolls, designed for ages 7+. These durable, fashionable trousers are perfect for completing any Barbie and Ken costume.
EP105 Barbie and Ken “Hands Tied Together” Challenge _ Barbie Vlogs 04:04 EP106 Holiday DIY with a Special Guest _ Barbie Vlogs 03:44 EP107 Top Challenges with Barbie _ Barbie Vlogs 23:07 EP108 KARAOKE IN THE CAR! _ Barbie Vlogs 03:13 EP109 Barbie vs. Ken Dance Off _ Barbie Vl...
EP44 Most Likely To Challenge with Ken, Harper, and Ryan! _ Barbie Vlogs 02:28 EP45 Help Me Redesign Our House into a Dreamhouse! _ Barbie Vlogs 02:09 EP46 DIY Mermaid Crown _ Barbie Vlogs 02:42 EP47 International Talk Like A Pirate Day _ Barbie Vlogs ...