Muscles Targeted: Bent over barbell rows, being a pull exercise, primarily work the latissimus dorsi (lats) and trapezius muscles. Secondarily, they target the biceps and rear deltoids. For those looking for a great, compound muscle building exercise to train on back or shoulder days, this is ...
Muscles Targeted: Barbell rows work the muscles that you can’t see. In fact, there are few articles talking about how to get stronger posterior deltoids or more shapely rhomboids which are the muscles in your mid-back responsible for pulling your shoulder blades together. The barbell row work...
much like your spinal erectors work to maintain a stable upper body posture. Many lifters feel a significant stretch in their hamstrings or glutes during a set of barbell rows because the muscles are being worked in a stretched position without a full contraction. ...
By loading weight via a belt around your hips, these squats isolate your leg muscles without compromising form. You won’t be able to cheat the movement by leaning forward, you’re only able to squat the weight up. With minimal stress on the joints and lower fatigue compared to traditional...
Muscles Targeted: The barbell thruster is an excellent and challenging total body exercise that engages multiple large muscle groups and is fantastic for building muscle mass and increasing strength. It primarily targets your quadriceps and deltoids, but there are several secondary muscles involved which...
Muscles Targeted: A properly performed deadlift will activate almost every muscle in your body from your toes on up to the muscles that contract your ears if the weight is heavy enough. The prime movers in the deadlift are the posterior chain. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the ...
Muscles Targeted: Being somewhat of an isolation lift, barbell shrugs primarily targets both the upper and middle trapezius muscles. Secondarily, this exercise stimulates the levator scapulae (neck muscle), and the forearms. Barbell shrugs are an amazing exercise to train on shoulder days or on ba...