The upright row is a compound weight training exercise that effectively targets the deltoids, biceps brachii, trapezius, and core muscles. The upright row
Muscles Targeted: Bent over barbell rows, being a pull exercise, primarily work the latissimus dorsi (lats) and trapezius muscles. Secondarily, they target the biceps and rear deltoids. For those looking for a great, compound muscle building exercise to train on back or shoulder days, this is ...
The key to this exercise is the bar path and torso stability needed to maximally recruit the muscles being targeted. You want to focus on the barbell being as close to your thighs as possible as you pull up through your elbows. T-Bar Row For this exercise, you will either need a dedica...
Barbell Upright RowProvides information on the barbell upright row exercise for men. Muscles involved in the exercise; Mistakes in performing the exercise; Procedure.Rankin, ScottMens Health
Hold a barbell at arms’ length using an overhand shoulder-width grip. Pull the bar vertically upward, raising your elbows to shoulder height. Lower the bar slowly down to the starting position with the arms extended. Muscles Involved
Barbell Upright Row.Provides information on the barbell upright row exercise for men. Muscles involved in the exercise; Mistakes in performing the exercise; Procedure.RankinScottMen's Health (10544836)
Barbell Upright Rowhockeyyearly programBanffperiodizationsummary: This column demonstrates the proper technique for the barbell upright row.(C) 2004 Nationdoi:10.1519/1533-4295(2004)026<0060:BUR>2.0.CO;2John F. GrahamStrength & Conditioning Journal...