Bar graphs Line graphs Finished examples With a numeric x-axis With x-axis treated as continuous With x-axis treated as categoricalProblemYou want to do make basic bar or line graphs.SolutionTo make graphs with ggplot2, the data must be in a data frame, and in “long” (as opposed to...
Option 2: changing theaesvariables order # install.packages("ggplot2")library(ggplot2)ggplot(df,aes(x=count,y=group))+geom_bar(stat="identity") Order of the bars of the bar graph The default order of the bars depend on the levels of the factor variable. In our example you can check...
1. 对数值进行排序 require(plyr)# Sort by dose and suppdf_sorted <- arrange(df2, dose, supp)head(df_sorted)2. 分别计算Y轴数值的和 df_cumsum <- ddply(df_sorted, "dose", transform, label_ypos=cumsum(len))head(df_cumsum)3. 画图 ggplot(data=df_cumsum, aes(x = dose, y = len...
color = dose,ymin = len,ymax = len+sd),width = 0.2)多重分组的Error bar f <-ggplot(df3, aes(x = dose,y = len))# 柱状图+Errorbarf +geom_errorbar(aes(color = supp,ymin = len-sd,ymax = len+sd),position = "dodge")+ geom_bar(aes(fill = supp),stat = "identity",...
library(plotly) df <- data.frame(trt = c("a", "b", "c"), outcome = c(2.3, 1.9, 3.2)) p <- ggplot(df, aes(trt, outcome)) + geom_point() ggplotly(p) abc2. trtoutcome You can also use geom_bar() with continuous data, in which case it will show counts at ...
R Graphics Cookbook 第3章 – Bar Graphs 3.1 基本条形图 library(ggplot2) library(gcookbook) pg_mean #这是用到的数据 group weight 1 ctrl 5.032 2 trt1 4.661 3 trt2 5.526 ggplot(pg_mean, aes(x=group, y=weight)) + geom_bar(stat="identity") x轴是连续变量还是因子,画出的图有所不同,...
可以看到,上面两个函数绘制出的图形完全不同,其中ggplot2系统绘制出的才是我们想要的柱状图。 这是因为使用原始数据绘制柱状图前需要先进行频数统计,这个过程就是统计变换。 geom_bar()函数的语法结构如下: geom_bar( mapping = NULL, data = NULL, stat = "count", ...
常规矩阵柱状图绘制 有如下4个基因在5组样品中的表达值 data_ori <- "Grp_1;Grp_2;Grp_3;Grp_4...
ggplot2是R语言中用于数据可视化的一个重要包,它提供了丰富的图形语法和灵活的绘图方式。其中的geom_bar()函数用于绘制条形图,可以实现在组内绘制稍微分隔的条形图。 使用ggplot2中的geom_bar()函数绘制稍微分隔的组内条形图的步骤如下: 首先,安装和加载ggplot2包,确保已经正确安装了R语言和相应的包管...
多重分组的Error bar f<-ggplot(df3,aes(x=dose,y=len))# 柱状图+Errorbarf+geom_errorbar(aes(color=supp,ymin=len-sd,ymax=len+sd),position="dodge")+geom_bar(aes(fill=supp),stat="identity",position="dodge") # 线图+Errorbarf+geom_line(aes(group=supp,color=supp))+geom_errorbar(aes(...