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The financial industry has rather responded to the disruptive side effects of COVID-19, but it hasn’t come out of 2021 unharmed. Top fintech industry trends in 2023 are going to challenge it but also will make it stronger. And though at least 50% of traditional banks are not covering t...
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Creating winning customer service in the banking industry Banks and fintechs have a choice when looking to grow: Identify a new customer segment and expand services, or drill down and better serve the clients they have.Underbanked US population grows to 14.2%, FDIC finds Separately, the unba...
Banks and financial institutions are looking to turn Fintech technologies to their advantage. These tehnologies play an important role in enhancing the customer experience, improving automation and productivity and conforming to compliance needs.
Fintech’s focus on emerging technological innovations regularly introduces changes and potential benefits to the financial industry. Here are some of the key benefits of fintech: Personalization:Using rapidly developing advances in fields like data analytics, artificial intelligence and more, fintech pla...
News, intelligence and resources on the global fintech industry including all things banking. Subjects All subjects Types All types Regions All regions Date from Date to APPLY Regions Bank partners Koxa to launch new cash flow management solution ...
The No.1 Magazine, Website, Newsletter & Webinar service covering FinTech, Banking, Financial Services (Finserv), Digital Payments, Technology & Crypto
So where might the investors place their bets next? Which fintech areas are exciting the most interest? Let's look ahead to the trends to watch in 2023... • #1 - Growing demand for mobile wallets It's less than a decade sinceApple dematerialised a bank card...
Some members of the financial services industry see the boom in FinTech as a threat to traditional banking industry. Others believe that FinTech has become a challenge that can be turned into an opportunity as it provides more flexibility, better functionality in some areas, and aggregation of ...