1)本篇的阅读需要有bandgap的基础知识,参考Razavi版本的chapter 11- Bandgap References("Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits" 2001)。 2)本篇的主要目的是完整的介绍作者的debug过程。 作者君本着学东西脸皮要厚的原则,这次来跟大家分享一下最近折腾了我不少时间的startup电路。 那个,话说自己做了不少bandg...
REFERENCE Book: [1] Paul R. Gray, Paul J. Hurst, Stephen H. Lewis et. Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits(4 th Edition). John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2001. 314-326. [2] Behzad Razavi. Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuit. The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc. ,200...
(A CMOS bandgap reference circuit with sub-1-V operation, 1999 ), and 2.2mV/°K in Jones and Martin (Analog integrated circuit design, 1997 ), Tham and Nagaraj (A low supply voltage high PSRR voltage reference in CMOS process, 1995 ). Another important conclusion is that the typical ...
for ex. the constant low frequency behavior should be there till 100 MHz. Fig1 taken from Razavi's Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits Second Edition FIg2. I have taken the plot from https://picture.iczhiku.com/resource/eetop/WhkTwEqZEFFTEMBc.pdf...
11-18. [10] B. Razavi, "Design of analog CMOS integrated circuits" McGraw-Hill international edition [11] P.G. Gray, P.J. Hurst, S.H. Lewis, and R.G. Meyer, "Analysis and design of analog integrated circuits", 4th edition. USA: Wiley 2001 ...
4.1.2 Bandgap简介 Bandgap voltage reference,常常有人简单地称它为Bandgap。是利用一个与温度成正比的电压与二极管压降之和,二者温度系数相互抵消,实现与温度无关的电压基准。因为其基准电压与硅的带隙电压差不多,因而称为带隙基准。实际上利用的不是带隙电压。现在有些Bandgap结构输出电压与带隙电压也不一致[2]...
an essential component of an analog-to-digital converter. It is often used to supply a reference voltage which is compared with other voltages. There are some problems arising from temperature-dependent to power supply rejection ratio when implementing a bandgap reference circuit. The main design ...