共中点对称布局(Common-Centroid Layout):通过对称排列晶体管,减小由于工艺变化引起的失配误差。 保护措施:对于关键的敏感信号线,采取 Shielding(屏蔽)措施,以减小噪声耦合的影响。 电阻匹配:多指令电阻阵列布局用于确保电阻的匹配性,减少电阻值的不一致导致的偏移。 4. Bandgap 电路的具体设计实例 4.1 基础 Bandgap 设...
A voltage Vreg is controlled which is led off from the distribution voltage by a controlled voltage divider. The voltage Vreg is at a higher potential than the reference voltage Vref. An essential portion of the circuit layout is formed by resistors the conductivity of which decreases with ...
The design of full custom design using cadence tools IC610 for bandgap of the layout design, then use the diva of the physical layout verification. Keywords: layout; bandgap; cadence; physical verification 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc265398095 1 绪论 PAGEREF _Toc2...
referencevoltage. Intheend,thisdesigncarriedLVSandDRCofverificationtothe landscapeusedcalibreverificationtoolthatfinallydesignsandpassed averificationsmoothly. KeyWords:Layout;Bandgapreferencevoltage;Cadence;matching; Symmetry 目录 第1章引言1 1.1选题背景及意义1 ...
Keywords: layout; bandgap; cadence; physical verification 目 录 1 绪论 1 2 工艺简介 3 2.1 光刻 3 2.2 掺杂 4 2.3 淀积 4 2.4 CMOS工艺 4 2.5 PNP工艺 6 2.6 POLY电阻工艺 7 3 Cadence简介 9 4 bandgap版图设计流程 11 4.1 原理图 11 4.1.1 原理图信息 12 4.1.2 Bandgap简介 12 4.1.3 ...
共中点对称布局(Common-Centroid Layout):通过对称排列晶体管,减小由于工艺变化引起的失配误差。 保护措施:对于关键的敏感信号线,采取 Shielding(屏蔽)措施,以减小噪声耦合的影响。 电阻匹配:多指令电阻阵列布局用于确保电阻的匹配性,减少电阻值的不一致导致的偏移。
6、adopt layout design technique of consideration electricity characteristic; To reduce latch-up, this design still uses guard ring to protect the whole electric circuit, improving the credibility of bandgap reference voltage.In the end, this design carried LVS and DRC of verification to the landscap...
Key Words: Layout; Bandgap reference voltage; Cadence; matching; Symmetry 第1章 引言 1.1选题背景及意义 随着IC工艺的发展,在模拟电路和数模混合电路中,片内集成的基准源电路已被普遍采用,它是集成电路中的一个重要模块。产生基准的目的是建立一个与电源波动和工艺无关、具有确定温度特性的直流电压或电流。为了...
Voltage variations can be minimized by careful layout design. Namely, special attention should be paid on matching of the current mirror devices, resistors ( R1 and R2 in Figure 2.) and BJTs. Supply voltage variations, both dc and transient noise, result in reference voltage deviation. Line ...
Bandgap ReferenceCMOSBICMOS ESDLATCHUPBandgap Reference voltage chip is implemented in 0.25渭m CMOS technology with ESD protection. This chip can be designed by using a layout tool micro wind 3.1.7 version. The chip circuit generates a reference voltage of 1.23 V. It can operate between 20C &...