Why are ballet terms in French? Many of the French terms are actually simplewords that sound fancy in English. Some people believe that the French vocabulary gives ballet a more formal, sophisticated and mysterious feeling. So, when going to see a ballet, speak French and try to avoid any ...
Ballet (bah-lay) means to dance, and ballet terminology comes from the French language. It originated in the 17th century and is still used in today's dance studios around the world. Understanding these terms is essential to be able to communicate with other dancers. Female ballerinas (bah-...
Literally: chains or links. In Ballet, chaînés are a series of consecutive turns executed on both feet. Chaînés can be done in a straight line or in a circle (manège). The dancer alternates the weight between the feet very quickly; this allows the turns to gain speed and be conse...
Ballet originated in Italy and was formalized over centuries in France, which is why most ballet terms are in French or Italian. 1. À la seconde:“To the second position” or “to the side,” as in plié à la seconde or grand battement à la seconde. 2. À terre: ...
Ballet steps and terms abstractorabsolute ballet, adagiooradage, allegro, allongé, aplomb, arabesque, assemblé, attitude, balancé, ballerina, ballet blanc, ballet d'action, ballet de cour, ballon, ballonné, ballottéorpas ballotté, battement, batterie, battu, Benesh notation, briséorpas de...
french 16個詞語 lexi3456783 預覽 chp 2 nutrition 老師15個詞語 hkirk 預覽 7a.2 5個詞語 vesak 預覽 SEMAINE 2 (16 weeks diet): 老師18個詞語 khoulihan 預覽 Avoir and être expressions 老師29個詞語 Prof_L 預覽 French Terms and Their Definitions 10個詞語 jillykreke 預覽 Clothing 5個詞語 chin...
1660–70; <French,Middle French<Italianballetto,equivalent toball(o)ball2+-etto-et Discover More Example Sentences There’s the narwhal, which mates “in a kind of ballet; a pair will swim alongside each other for hours, skins touching.” ...
Ballet French Terms 儲存 單詞卡 學習 測試 配對 plie 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 to bend 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 1 / 34 建立者 quizlette62314 學生們也學習了 教科書解答 單詞卡學習集 學習指南 Chez Nous: Branché Sur le Monde Francophone2nd Edition•ISBN:9780136095002Albert Valdman, Cathy Pons, ...
"theatrical, costumed dance and pantomime performance telling a story and representing characters and passions by gestures and groupings," 1660s, from French ballette from Italian balletto, diminutive of ballo "a dance," from Late Latin ballare "to dance," from Greek ballizein "to dance, jump...
a ballet in which the ballerinas' skirts are white. Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofballet blanc1 1945–50; <French:literally, white ballet Word of the Day February 03, 2025 natch Start each day with the Word of the Day in your inbox!