Ballet steps and terms abstract or absolute ballet, adagio or adage, allegro, allongé, aplomb, arabesque, assemblé, attitude, balancé, ballerina, ballet blanc, ballet d'action, ballet de cour, ballon, ballonné, ballotté or pas ballotté, battement, batterie, battu, Benesh notation, brisé...
Ballet steps and terms abstractorabsolute ballet, adagiooradage, allegro, allongé, aplomb, arabesque, assemblé, attitude, balancé, ballerina, ballet blanc, ballet d'action, ballet de cour, ballon, ballonné, ballottéorpas ballotté, battement, batterie, battu, Benesh notation, briséorpas de...
Ballet steps and terms abstractorabsolute ballet, adagiooradage, allegro, allongé, aplomb, arabesque, assemblé, attitude, balancé, ballerina, ballet blanc, ballet d'action, ballet de cour, ballon, ballonné, ballottéorpas ballotté, battement, batterie, battu, Benesh notation, briséorpas de...
Check out the text ‘A to Z’ballet termsbelow. We tried to explain them in the most simple and easy way. Ballet Terminology is very important to learn for anyone starting with this form of dance. Because there are so many specific positions and variations, it helps to know the definition...
Glossary of Fundamental Ballet Terms Ballet originated in Italy and was formalized over centuries in France, which is why most ballet terms are in French or Italian. 1. À la seconde:“To the second position” or “to the side,” as in plié à la seconde or grand battement a...
Start each day with the Word of the Day in your inbox! Sign Up By clicking "Sign Up", you are accepting Dictionary.comTerms & Conditions and Privacy Policies. Quiz Q: Fill in the blanks: ___ is a type of dessert that lacks dairy, while ___ always has dairy. Sherbet...
Ballet.barre. Law. an objection that nullifies an action or claim. a stoppage or defeat of an alleged right of action. Typography.a horizontal stroke of a type character, as of anA, H, t,and sometimese. Architecture.(in tracery) a relatively long and slender upright of stone treated as...
Ballet-goers see a moving panorama in tradition productions of The Sleeping Beauty; indeed, the scene in which the Prince travels to find Aurora is known as the 'panorama scene', in which 'as the boat advances, the banks of the river change; villages, countryside, forests, mountains are ...
2.(General Sporting Terms) the ball used in this game Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 vol•ley•ball ...
Define balled. balled synonyms, balled pronunciation, balled translation, English dictionary definition of balled. wound into a ball: She balled the yarn. Not to be confused with: bald – bare; without hair: When he grew older, he became bald. bawled –