The financial account in the U.S. balance of payment includes ( ).A.Everything in the current accountB.U.S. government payments to other countries for the use of military basesC.Profits that Nissan of America sends back to JapanD.Profits of U.S. investme
美 英 na.国际收支差额 英汉 na. 1. 国际收支差额,国际收支
Balance of Payment (BoP) includes all the transactions that entities (people, companies, and government) in a country make with the rest of the world within a definite period of time. BoP includes all imports and exports, along with transfer payments, such as remittances, aid from other count...
国际金融:Balance of Payment(定义、组成、不平衡的原因);汇率(种类(spot&forward)、两种标价法、汇率的 影响因素(利率、通胀率、对 经济增长的预期)、几种常见的汇率制度(定义、特点));国际金融体系的演变(一 战前的金本位制(种类、特点)、二战后的布雷顿森林体系(特点、特里芬两难)、1971 之后的牙买加协定(...
12、s between the residents of a country and residents of all foreign nations.They are composed of the following:(1)The Current Account(2)The Capital Account(3)Statistical Discrepancy(4)The Official Reserves Account(1)The Current AccountIncludes all imports and exports of goods and services.Inclu...
Balance of payments and international investment position data are critical in formulating national and international economic policy. Certain aspects of the balance of payments data, such as payment imbalances andforeign direct investment, are key issues that a nation's policymakers seek to address, Wh...
The maincategories of the balance of paymentare the current account, the capital account, and the financial account. How Is the Current Account Balance Calculated? The current account is calculated by finding the balance of trade and adding it to net earnings from abroad and net transfer payment...
Balanceofpayment的含义 国际收支流量国际收支统计、国际收支平衡表国际收支状况(平衡、不平衡)StructureofBalanceofPayment 1.TheCurrentAccount:measuringTradeinGoodsandServices.经常帐户2.TheCapitalAccount:trackingCapitalflowsintoandoutofacountry.资本帐户3.TheFinancialAccount:dealingwithflowofdirectportfolioandinvestment...
Principal parts of balance of payments, as stated in the IMF's manual ( 2009 ), are the current account and the capital and financial account. Potential imbalance is listed as statistical error and discrepancy. The current account includes current receipts and payments on account of export and ...
Officialreserveassetsincludesgold,foreigncurrency,SDRsandreservepositioninIMF.9.DebitsandcreditsAbalance-of-paymentaccountrequiresthateachinternationaltransactionbeenteredasacreditoradebit credittransaction(+)debittransaction(-)receiptfromforeigners currencyinflow paymenttoforeigners currencyoutflow Credit>debit(+)Debit>...