1. Balance of payment: a record of a country's economic transaction with the rest of the world over a year. 注意只记录钱的流向! 2.All trades are accounted for in the BOP in order to determine how much money is going in and out of ...
1、Balance of PaymentsThe Components of BOPSee P34The International Monetary Fund describes the BOP as the following table.YOUR COMPANY NAME or YOUR SITE ADDRESSThe Components of BOPYOUR COMPANY NAME or YOUR SITE ADDRESSThe Components of BOPIt consists of two major accounts, the current account(...
《国际金融课件》unit 3 balance of payment BalanceofPayments LOGO TheComponentsofBOP ❖SeeP34❖TheInternationalMonetaryFund describestheBOPasthefollowingtable.YOURCOMPANYNAMEorYOURSITEADDRESSLOGO TheComponentsofBOP YOURCOMPANYNAMEorYOURSITEADDRESSLOGO TheComponentsofBOP ❖Itconsistsoftwomajoraccounts,the...
The wheat export represents a merchandise export of $1 million, and thus we credit merchandise $1 million. Payment using the deposit results in the decrease of foreign-owned deposits in U.S. banks; this is treated as a capital outflow, leading to a $1 million debit to private capital. ...
Describe the four components of service classification. Explain the three attributes an ideal currency would possess if it existed in today's world. How can I explain the relationship between a change in the terms of trade and the impact on the current account of the balance of ...
国际金融:Balance of Payment(定义、组成、不平衡的原因);汇率(种类(spot&forward)、两种标价法、汇率的 影响因素(利率、通胀率、对 经济增长的预期)、几种常见的汇率制度(定义、特点));国际金融体系的演变(一 战前的金本位制(种类、特点)、二战后的布雷顿森林体系(特点、特里芬两难)、1971 之后的牙买加协定(...
The amount put aside by private firms to build new plant and equipment for future production Government purchases The amount used by the government Current account balance The amount of net exports of goods and services to foreigners Figure 1-1: U.S. GNP and Its Components, 2000 1.3 National...
Balance of payment is a documentation of all the transactions that occur between one country and another during a specific period. Balance of payment regulates the economic relationship between the different countries.Answer and Explanation: The components of the balance of payment are divided into ...
Balance of payments and international investment position data are critical in formulating national and international economic policy. Certain aspects of the balance of payments data, such as payment imbalances andforeign direct investment, are key issues that a nation's policymakers seek to address, Wh...
Dividends payable is dividends that have been authorized for payment but have not yet been issued. Earned andunearned premiumsis similar to prepayments in that a company has received money upfront, has not yet executed on their portion of an agreement, and must return unearned cash if they fail...