This article is to (1) describe the persentage rate in relationship (2) betwenn Batak Toba and Batak Mandailing Languange, counting the time space when these two languanges were once separated, (3) to the describe the sound correspondence between Batak Toba and Batak Mandailing languange. This...
PublikasiBahasaBatak Toba For Publications in English jw2019 5 Ala mubabahasaingkon muba do terjemahan ni Bibel. 5 The fact thatlanguageschange also affects Bible translations. jw2019 44,7 juta ganup bulan di bagasan 99bahasa 44.7 million per month in 99languages ...
将“jawa mau belajar bahasa batak"翻译成印度尼西亚文 medan是将“jawa mau belajar bahasa batak"翻译成 印度尼西亚文。 jawa mau belajar bahasa batak+ 加 Batak Toba-印度尼西亚文字典 medan Nurqartika Dewi 显示算法生成的翻译 加 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“jawa mau belajar bahasa batak"翻译成...
Indonesia 2)Amrin Saragih, 3) Anni Holila Pulungan 2&3 ) Lecturers of English Applied Linguistic Study Program Medan State University, Indonesia Abstract— The aims of this study was to investigate the factors of Angkolanese maintain Bahasa Angkola at Langgar Community ...