Gayo-Indonesia Kamus Gayo ke Indonesia Indonesia-Belanda Kamus Indonesia ke Belanda Indonesia-Bali Kamus Indonesia ke Bali Indonesia-Mandarin Kamus Indonesia ke Mandarin Jerman-Indonesia Kamus Jerman ke Indonesia Batak-Indonesia Kamus Batak ke Indonesia Aceh-Indonesia Kamus Aceh ke Indonesia ...
Kamus Daerah adalah kamus translate terjemahan bahasa daerah online terlengkap dari berbagai bahasa daerah ke bahasa Indonesia atau sebaliknya
While the language of the region include Javanese, Sundanese,Batak language, the language of Minangkabau, Palembang language, the languageof the Bugis, Banjar language, the language of the Papuan languages of Maluku,and others. Referring to the elements of universal culture, which absorbed the ...
This article is to (1) describe the persentage rate in relationship (2) betwenn Batak Toba and Batak Mandailing Languange, counting the time space when these two languanges were once separated, (3) to the describe the sound correspondence between Batak Toba and Batak Mandailing languange. This...
Indonesia 2)Amrin Saragih, 3) Anni Holila Pulungan 2&3 ) Lecturers of English Applied Linguistic Study Program Medan State University, Indonesia Abstract— The aims of this study was to investigate the factors of Angkolanese maintain Bahasa Angkola at Langgar Community ...