日志信息 LLDP/4/LLDP_LOGID_BAD_PACKET: [ULONG] invalid packets were received after latest notification. The last invalid packet came from interface [STRING]. 日志含义 从最近的一次通知到现在,统计收到非法LLDP报文个数,并记录收到最后一个非法LLDP报文的端口名称 日志参数 可能原因 接收到LLDP报文格式不...
OSPF/6/BAD_IP_PACKET: OSPF Recv Bad packet. (Process=[Process-Id], Type=[Type], SourceAddr=[SourceAddr], DestAddr=[DestAddr], IP len=[IPLen], OSPF Header-Len=[OspfLen], Area=[AreaId]) 仅S6750-H, S1730S-S3, S5735-L-V2, S5735S-L3, S5755-H, S5735-S-V2, S5735I-S-V2...
You can add it to you OPENVPN_OPTS env variable for now and it should be quiet. Someone could be trying to DOS you, but 99% sure this is just replay due to some perceived packet drop or timeout windows making the vpn server send the packets again. ...
几句话,简单点 1.内网成功联机(多人Happy地开荒啦)2.Nat123不要求让别人装,所以用的其它(非网站...
【求助】关于Bad ..已经把游戏里的.minecraft放入到appdata文件夹里。可是还是出现Bad packet id 230的字样。。这是怎么回事- -求助呀谢谢。。我去看看。。。真的假的。。。很着急呀。求解答!
完形填空 Few people like changing their habits,good or bad. Whether it is smoking,drinking or over-eating,they 1 “enjoying them to the end.On every packet of cigarettes .people are warned against the 2 of smoking: “Warning: Cigarette Smoking Is Dangero
我的世界进服显示bad packet id 50,怎么办呢? 应该是服务器有MOD 你没有安装 建议你去下这个服的客户端 q345b无缝方矩管-华运方管-火爆热销☎13327910808 华运方管专业生产q345b无缝方矩管,性能稳定,型号齐全,防腐性能强,坚固耐用,q345b无缝方矩管获得客户一致好评,优惠热线☎13327910808广告 我的世界1.6.2服务...
“bad packet id (may be a replay): [ #4033]” 这个错误信息表明,在加密通信过程中,接收到了一个重复的或无效的包(packet)ID。具体来说,包ID #4033 被认为是重复的,可能是因为网络问题、配置错误或攻击行为导致的。 可能导致该错误的原因 网络问题:在网络传输过程中,数据包可能由于网络拥塞、延迟或丢包等...
单选题 某位网络工程师在排查OSPF故障时输出信息如下,据此判断哪种原因导致邻接关系无法正常建立Huawei>display ospf error interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/0OSPF Process 1 with Router ID OSPF error statisticsInterface: GigabitEthernet0/0/0( packet errors:0 : Bad checksum 0 :Bad...