Bacterial transformation lab reportCase study with 2 pages in .doc format titled: Bacterial transformation lab report. The document in medical studies is published in 2007G. MichaelPublications Oboulo Com
Bio-Rad’s pGLO Bacterial Transformation Kit is the classic kit for teaching the central dogma and the basics of genetic engineering. In this bacterial transformation lab activity, students use the pGLO plasmid to transform bacteria to express green fluorescent protein (GFP) from the bioluminescent j...
Natural transformation of A. baumannii To naturally transform AB5075, cells were first streaked onto LB agar and incubated overnight at 37 °C. Next, 1 ml of motility medium (2% (w/v) agarose and 5 g/L tryptone) was dissolved by heating and added to a sterile microfuge tube. ...
v.3.0, catalogue no. 9672c874; available at used to process paired forward and reverse reads from 97 GFS metagenomes. The IMP workflow for GFS analyses has previously been described59. Briefly, IMP uses MEGAHIT (v.1.2.9)60for the assembly, f...
In a microbial community, associations between constituent members play an important role in determining the overall structure and function of the community. The human gut microbiome is believed to play an integral role in host health and disease. To und
Data analysis (filtering, transformation and statistical analysis) was performed using custom scripts in R language (47). Differentially abundant proteins across experimental conditions were selected after performing a Student's t test on log2 iBAQ values and comparing the mean fold change of protein ...
The number of colony forming units following transformation is presented. Bar graph represents an average of three replicates, with individual data points overlaid. (G) Model for the anti-phage activity of the Ec48 retron system. Remarkably, both the Gam protein of phage λ and the gp5.9 ...
Evenly distributed base quality scores of forward and reverse reads throughout all samples were controlled using the functions fastx_quality_stats and fastq_quality_boxplot_graph of the FASTX-Toolkit ( PANDAseq [53] was used to merge forward and ...
. The final samples were examined in a FEI Nova NanoSEM scanning electron microscope (FEI, Brno, Czech Republic) at 3 or 5 kV using ETD, CBS, and TLD detectors and using SEM software Helios NanoLab. The beam deceleration mode was used when sample charging occurred57....
Gel were imaged with a GelDoc Imaging System (BioRad, USA) and band quantification was done with the Image Lab software (BioRad, USA). Plasmid transformation assays – Restriction pattern For the restriction pattern experiments, plasmids were produced in P. aeruginosa SMC4386 ΔCRISPRΔMADS (...