Amanda Thomsen understands that the simplest things in nature are what nurture young souls and spirits. Hurrah!" -- Sharon Lovejoy, Author of Roots, Shoots, Buckets Boots, Sunflower Houses, Camp Granny and many more favorite books for children ...
“so that by spring, I’ll have a larder of poems that adhere to formal patterns found in nature, the sunflower, for example, or the whorl of a seashell, the number of legs on a spider for instance, or the swoop of an orb found glistening in early morning.” ...
Often, the protein in a higher-end food isn’t in a form that is easily digestible by the chicken. You can boost protein by adding in some mealworms, black oil sunflower seeds, or hardboiled eggs as treats. But let’s say you fed this same layer feed to your ISA Browns and had no...
2. Sunflower(Helinthus annuus) Attracting chickadees, finches, cardinals, jays, nuthatches, and some species of woodpeckers, sunflowers areeasy to growand will add a burst of sunshine to your garden beds. Sunflower seeds provide 51% fat, 21% protein, 20% sugars, and 5% water, and are a...
Then after nap time I lost the lead… this is where the name crazy chicken lady comes into play. I texted my friends asking them to please ask THEIR friends to vote. They already know my passion for my chickens. You know what, I have some pretty amazing friends in my life. They went...
30.Make a "wee village" garden. 31.Did a tree fall down? Use it as a a bike stand. 32.Grow a sunflower house for the kids to play in. 33.Or build a cheap and easy bean fort. 34.Set up pool noodles for a game of kickball croquet. ...
24. Grow a sunflower house for the kids to play in. Flickr: hartlandlibraryvt 25. Get some rainbow fire crystals for your fire pit. At $14.95 for a pack of two, these are pretty enough to be worth it if you're having people over. 26. Set up pool noodles for a ga...
38. Grow a sunflower house for the kids to play in. Flickr: hartlandlibraryvt 39. Or build a cheap and easy bean fort. See how they did this here. 40. Set up pool noodles for a game of kickball croquet. Hula-...