A.Planting sunflowers. B.Growing vegetables. C.Cutting the grass. D.Finding roses.31. Why do people turn their rooftops into gardens? A.The flowers on the rooftops are more beautiful. B.The space that can be used is limited. C.Too many people are waiting for the place. D.The flowers...
Each spring, children plant sunflowers and wait to see (4)which one is the tallest.Expert gardeners know just the right corner for roses, and others spend hours trying to grow perfect vegetables to enter into competitions.And (5)while many Brits like nothing better than spending their...
(2)WhichoftheactivityisnotmentionedinParagraph2?A.Plantingsunflowers. B.Growingvegetables.C.Cuttingthegrass. D.Findingroses.(3)WhatcanwelearnfromParagraph3?A.PeoplearefindingmorespacetogardeninBritain.B.PrivategardensarelimitedinBritishforairpollution.C.RooftopsandwallshavebeenturnedintoprivategardensinBritish...
A.Plantingsunflowers. B.Growingvegetables. C.Cuttingthegrass. D.Findingroses. 答案D Ⅲ.Readpara.3carefullyanddothefollowingexercise. Whydopeopleturntheirrooftopsintogardens? A.Becausetheflowersontherooftopsaremorebeautiful. B.Becausethespacethatcanbeusedislimited. ...
A. Planting sunflowers. B. Growing vegetables. C. Cutting the grass. D. Finding roses. D 【Para. 3】 5. Which of the following is NOT people's new solutions to gardening in cities? A. To rent small pieces. B. To turn rooftops into a private garden. C. To turn walls into a priv...
3.In what ways do people bring nature into their lives? (planting sunflowers, growing vegetables to enter into competitions, cutting the grass, sitting under the branches of the trees and enjoying the beauty of the world.)©2022 Baidu |由 百度智能云 提供计算服务 | 使用百度前必读 | 文库协...
Our growing guides are packed full of handy tips to help you grow, and care for your own plants, including essential gardening advice. We’ll help you cultivate a gorgeous green garden full of blooming plants and delicious vegetables. Planting bulbs, sowing seeds, and tending to your crops is...
A. Planting sunflowers. B. Growing vegetables. C. Cutting the grass. D. Finding roses. 3. What can we learn from Paragraph 3? A. People are finding more space to garden in Britain. B. Private gardens are limited in Britain for air pollution. C. All rooftops and walls have been ...
For many people in the UK, their garden is their own private world. Origin Activities Solutions Benefits plant sunflowers and wait to see which one is the tallest seek the right corner for roses grow perfect vegetables to enter into the competition Enjoy a video. Q:How do Brits solve the ...
A. Planting sunflowers. B. Growing vegetables. C. Cutting the grass. D. Finding roses. (3)What can we learn from Paragraph 3? A. People are finding more space to garden in Britain. B. Private gardens are limited in British for air pollution. C. Rooftops and walls have been turned ...