RMAN>backuparchivelogalldeleteinput; 1. 上面的命令表示备份所有的归档日志并删除已备份的日志。 backup archivelog delete input命令的原理 backup archivelog delete input命令的原理是在备份归档日志的同时,将已备份的归档日志标记为已备份,并且删除这些已备份的归档日志。 具体的操作流程如下所示: StartConnect_to_dat...
backup archivelog all delete input 备份默认目录下所有归档日志,并且删除这个目录下所有归档日志 backup archivelog all delete all input 备份默认目录下所有归档日志,并且删除几个备份目录下所有归档日志
简介:backup archivelog all delete input 备份默认目录下所有归档日志,并且删除这个目录下所有归档日志 backup archivelog all delete all input 备份默认目录下所有归档日志,并且删除几个备份目录下... backup archivelog all delete input 备份默认目录下所有归档日志,并且删除这个目录下所有归档日志 backup archivelog all...
DELETE INPUT or DELETE ALL INPUT clauses for the BACKUP ARCHIVELOG command to delete archived logs after they are backed up, eliminating the separate step of manually deleting the archived redo logs. With DELETE INPUT, RMAN only deletes the specific copy of the archived redo log chosen for the...
例如:backup database plus archivelog delete all input; 执行此命令是会将所有的归档日志进行备份,并且在备份的同时删除已备份的归档日志。 所以如果在RMAN备份脚本中有plus archivelog参数 就无需在备份归档日志之前执行:sql 'alter system archive log current';...
本篇文章为大家展示了怎么理解RMAN backup database plus archivelog delete all input命令,内容简明扼要并且容易理解,绝对能使你眼前一亮,通过这篇文章的详细介绍希望你能有所收获。 RMAN> run { 2> backup as compressed backupset incremental level 1 database plus archivelog delete all input; ...
RMAN> backup tablespace system plus archivelog delete input; (备份指定表空间及归档的重做日志,并删除旧的归档日志) 8、备份归档日志: RMAN> backup archivelog all delete input; 9、复制数据文件: RMAN> copy datafile 1 to '/oracle/dbs/system.copy'; ...
RMAN> backup archivelog all delete all input; 3. define multiple archived log destinations SQL> alter system set log_archive_dest_1='location=use_db_recovery_file_dest' scope=both; System altered. SQL> alter system set log_archive_dest_2='location=D:\oracle\archivelog_area1' scope=both; ...
backup archivelog all delete input format 'c:\wkdir'; } When finished typing in the information, click Add to specify a database target. 4. Click the Search button. 5. Select orcl and click Add. 6. On the Create 'RMAN Script' Job page, scroll down to the Host and Database Credentia...
BACKUP ARCHIVELOG ALL DELETE ALL INPUT; Note that depending on the conditions (refer to"Automatic Online Redo Log Switches During Backups of Archived Logs"), RMAN attempts to switch out of archive the current redo log as well. You can also specify a range of archived redo logs by time, SC...