backup full tag ‘dbfull’ format ‘/u01/oradata/backup/full%u_%s_%p’ database include current controlfile; sql ‘alter system archive log current’; backup fileaperset 3 format ‘/u01/oradata/backup/arch%u_%s_%p’ archivelog all delete input; #备份归档可选,可以单独定期备份 release channe...
backup archivelog all delete input format 'c:\wkdir'; } When finished typing in the information, click Add to specify a database target. 4. Click the Search button. 5. Select orcl and click Add. 6. On the Create 'RMAN Script' Job page, scroll down to the Host and Database Credentia...
configure controlfile autobackup format for device type disk clear; 3.备份归档日志 backup archivelog all; alter system switch logfile;归档当前日志文件 backup archivelog all delete all input;(备份当前日志文件,删除所有输入) backup archivelog all delete input; 4.使用映像副本 备份集 backup as copy data...
backup archivelog all;备份所有的归档文件 backup archivelog from time 'sysdate-3';备份3天前 backup archivelog until time 'sysdate-3' delete input;截止 backup archivelog from sequence XX;从归档的指定序列号开始备份 《SQL>archive log list;》 backup archivelog all delete input;备份归档,删除归档文件 ba...
RMAN> backup archivelog all format '/home/oracle/arc_back_after_keep_%U' delete all input; Starting backup at 15-DEC-14 current log archived using channel ORA_DISK_1 channel ORA_DISK_1: starting archive log backupset channel ORA_DISK_1: specifying archive log(s) in backup set ...
BACKUP ARCHIVELOG ALL DELETE ALL INPUT; Note that depending on the conditions (refer to"Automatic Online Redo Log Switches During Backups of Archived Logs"), RMAN attempts to switch out of archive the current redo log as well. You can also specify a range of archived redo logs by time, SC...
RMAN> configure controlfile autobackup format for device type disk to '/backup1/ctl_%F'; (设置控制文件与服务器参数文件自动备份的文件格式) 4、查看所有设置: RMAN> show all 5、查看数据库方案报表: RMAN> report schema; 6、备份全库: RMAN> backup database plus archivelog delete input; (备份全库...
この状況になるのは、前回のBACKUP ARCHIVELOG ALL DELETE INPUTコマンド以降に新規ログが生成されていないためです。この動作の唯一の例外は、SEQUENCE番号句が指定されている場合です。この場合、指定された順序のアーカイブREDOログ・ファイルが見つからないときに、RMAN-06004エラーが発行されま...
RMAN> backup archivelog all delete all input; 3. define multiple archived log destinations SQL> alter system set log_archive_dest_1='location=use_db_recovery_file_dest' scope=both; System altered. SQL> alter system set log_archive_dest_2='location=D:\oracle\archivelog_area1' scope=both; ...
Oracle 学习笔记: 重建Control File behavior of database backup with "plus archivelog" 推荐圈子: Database圈子 更多相关推荐 1 . set database to archivelog mode Sql代码 SQL> shutdown immediate; Database closed. Database dismounted. ORACLE instance shut down. SQL> startup mount; ORA...