Level 0is entirely still and devoid of life. Despite the fact that it is the primary entrance to the Backrooms, contact with other wanderers within the Level has never been reported. Presumably, a great number of people have died before exiting, the most likely causes being dehydration, starva...
【熟/Backrooms后室】Level 5 ”恐怖旅馆“ Terror Hotel"解释 2.2万 167 05:18 App 【Backroom后室】后室的恐怖结局Scary Backrooms Endings #1 30.6万 240 06:39 App 【熟肉/Backroom后室】Backrooms解释 3.0万 25 06:39 App 【熟/Backrooms后室】Level 0 “教学关卡”Tutorial level 解释 2.5万 57 06...
fuck-level-c-xxx Troyanlian 作者 hedwig-cd-draft Ambersight 作者 horticultural-acceptance-report-t-368-g-e000c-t-373-g-e000c Liurd 作者 horticultural-acceptance-report-t-368-g-e000c-t-373-g-e000c Null0 作者 horticultural-acceptance-report-t-368-g-e000c-t-373-g-e000c General Thun...
Level 0是后室的第一层,也是许多人进入的第一个楼层。描述Level 0是一个看似无限延伸的非线性空间,其外观就像一个零售店仓库。该层的所有房间都有相同的特征,比如发黄的墙纸、潮湿的地毯、电源插座和白色荧光灯管。然而,没有两个房间是完全相同的。该层的荧光灯管以恒定
Level 36 - "机场航站楼" "Airport Terminal" Level 37 - "崇高性" "Sublimity" Level 38 - "废弃监狱" "Hard Time" Level 39 - "改版前厅" "Revamped Tutorial" Level 40 - "影碟租借店" "Video...
Level 36 - "机场航站楼" "Airport Terminal" Level 37 - "崇高性" "Sublimity" Level 38 - "废弃监狱" "Hard Time" Level 39 - "改版前厅" "Revamped Tutorial" Level 40 - "影碟租借店" "Video...
Level 36 - "机场航站楼" "Airport Terminal" Level 37 - "崇高性" "Sublimity" Level 38 - "废弃监狱" "Hard Time" Level 39 - "改版前厅" "Revamped Tutorial" Level 40 - "影碟租借店" "Video...