网页 图片 视频 学术 词典 地图 更多 backbone route 美 英 un.基干线路 网络基干路由;骨干路由英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 基干线路© 2025 Microsoft 隐私声明和 Cookie 法律声明 广告 帮助 反馈
* 引自backbone,非常牛逼的正则 * @param route * @returns {RegExp}*/functiongetRegExp(route){varoptionalParam = /\((.*?)\)/g;varnamedParam = /(\(\?)?:\w+/g;varsplatParam = /\*\w+/g;varescapeRegExp = /[\-{}\[\]+?.,\\\^$|#\s]/g; route= route.replace(escapeRegExp...
route:function(a, b, c) { e.history || (e.history =newe.History); f.isRegExp(a) || (a =this._routeToRegExp(a)); e.history.route(a, f.bind(function(d) { d =this._extractParameters(a, d); c.apply(this, d); this.trigger.apply(this, ["route:"+ b].concat(d)) }, ...
var Router = BackboneRouteControl.extend({ routes: { 'foo': 'foo#index', 'foo/new': 'foo#form', 'foo/:id': 'foo#show', 'foo/:id/edit': 'foo#form', 'whatever': 'whatever' }, whatever: function() {} }); Note that you can still define methods directly in the router and ...
Safari fires Backbone route twice I'm having a headache with Backbone router in Safari I have this piece of code: app.navigate("ask/"+ encodedSearchKey,true); and in my router: varAppRouter=Backbone.Router.extend({routes:{"":"main","ask/*encodedSearchKey":"askSearch",...
My route hash should look like this: routes: { "" : "startTest", ":id": "getModel" } I had to remove pushState: true, with this in place the route wasn't being triggered, not sure why: Backbone.history.start(); Share Improve this answer ...
Dr. Goodparts has the bad habit of typing out his URL's with a trailing slash and now he's upset that our routes don't work. Please update the route below to optionally accept an optional trailing slash varAppRouter =new(Backbone.Router.extend({ ...
The invention discloses an inter-cluster virtual backbone route protocol method based on power control, which is suitable for the field of underwater acoustic communication. The method is improved on the basis of CLUSTERPOW protocol, and selects appropriate power level amount in combination with a...
backbone.routemanager, 更好的backbone.js 项目路由管理 backbone.routemanager由 Tim Branyen @tbranyen 创建。向 Backbone.Router 提供缺少的特性。依赖于下划线,Backbone 和 jQuery 。 你可以使用定制配置完全替换jQ 开源2019-09-18 上传大小:119KB 所需:9积分/C币 ...
60480 - MIG 7 Series - Receiving ERROR: [Drc 23-20] when CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE set to BACKBONE but the backbone resources are not used Description Version Found:MIG 7 Series v2.0 Rev 2 Version Resolved:See(Xilinx Answer 54025) For designs that previously generated a bit file successfully in...