Explore as redes de nuvem globais Blog do Azure: Novidades na rede Microsoft Ignite 2018: Azure Internals – A glimpse under the hood (Microsoft Ignite 2018: componentes internos do Azure, uma breve visão dos bastidores) Cloud Networking Meetup 2018: Reliable networking at global scale (...
Uma grande motivação para o sistema de roteador core veio do desejo de conectar redes locais ao backbone. Literature We were the first to launch a 1T router line card for backbone routers, a super-large-capacity 40T WDM prototype, and a new AOSN architecture. A primeira empresa a...
Redes informaticas (InformesSystem survivability is the ability to give service in spite of failures of some of the components. To assure survivability is an important goal when designing a communications network backbone, to ensure that it can resist to failures in the switch sites as well as ...
WSNs need virtual backbones to support in-network data transmission. In scenarios where there is no spatial redun- dancy (such as a sensor network in a petroleum installation), Connected Dominating Set (CDS)-based algorithms can be useful for hierarchical ...
García, Nancy Yaneth GelvezSarmiento, Danilo Alfonso LópezTrujillo, Edwin RivasRevista Electrónica Redes de Ingeniería