喜欢摆弄代码的朋友,可以对 backToTop.js(或 backToTop.min.js,取决于你引用的是哪一个)末尾的 backToTop() 做如下设置: backToTop({ backToTop({// 不想要平滑的滚动,就像下面这样设置为 falsesmooth:false,// 滚动的时长,以毫秒为单位time:300}); AI代码助手复制代码 最后 backToTop.js 在改进代码...
#back-to-top a:hover span{ background-color:#f0f0f0; } </style> <p id="back-to-top"><a href="#top"><span><i class="fa fa-chevron-up" aria-hidden="true"></i></span></a></p> <script src="http://apps.bdimg.com/libs/jquery/2.1.4/jquery.min.js"></script> <script>...
top = $(document).scrollTop();//get scroll top if(top > height ){//more than height to show $("#backToTop2").fadeIn(300).css({ top: height-80 }); } if(top < height ){//less than height to disappear $("#backToTop2").fadeOut(200); } }); /*back to top click*/ $...
browser} <BackToTop> <button class="btn btn-secondary btn-to-top" type="button"> <Icon data={chevronUp} /> </button> </BackToTop> {/if} </div> <script> import Icon from 'svelte-awesome/components/Icon' import chevronUp from 'svelte-awesome/icons/chevron-up' import Navbar from '...
Top...= jQuery("#backtoTop"); if (backToTop.length > 0) { if ($windowObj.scrollTop...backToTop.removeClass("button--show"); } $per.attr("data-percent", percentage...(jQuery("#backtoTop")); T.scrollHook(jQuery(window), "#cc0000"); }); css代码可以参考: #backtoTop{back...
使用Sinon.js模拟Jquery事件 、、、 我有下面的javascript模块,当用户点击back to top按钮时,它会生成动画,并将页面移动到顶部。 const jsdom = require("jsdom"); const { JSDOM } = jsdom; const { window } = new JSDOM(`...`); var $ = require("jquery")(window); const BackToTop = (fun...
How can I install the old version of the hexo since 4.0.0 version has some problems with theme icarus?hexojs/hexo#3904 Closed Contributor Author Icecream-blue-skyclosed this ascompletedDec 8, 2019 Sign up for freeto join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account?Sign in to comme...
simple, first we set our offset (after how much scrolling from the top we want the button to appear) and how long we want the scroll to top effect to last. We don’t want it to be too quick, but if it’s really slow it will be annoying. I’ve set it here to half a second...
Currently, the vue-backtotop has a property named "text", that is the text which will be visible on button. The default value is "Voltar ao topo". <back-to-toptext="Back to top"></back-to-top> The button to back to top become visible at window scroll at 600 > px. If you wa...
Button() { Text('取消长时任务').fontSize(25).fontWeight(FontWeight.Bold) } .type(ButtonType.Capsule) .margin({ top: 10 }) .backgroundColor('#0D9FFB') .width(250) .height(40) .onClick(() => { // 此处结束具体的长时任务的执行 // 通过按钮取消长时任务 this.stopContinuousTask()...