Synonym Study Back, hind, posterior, rear refer to something situated behind something else. Back means the opposite of front: back window. Hind, and the more formal word posterior, suggest the rearmost of two or more often similar objects: hind legs; posterior lobe. Rear is used of buildin...
Summary: Public sector job losses will disproportionately hit women and set back progress on closing the gender pay gap, according to the TUC. Women 'to be hit hardest by welfare cuts' arrests of suspects in an alleged Russian spy ring and said today he hoped the scandal would not set back...
Synonym: back up 3. shift to a counterclockwise direction e.g. the wind backed 4. place a bet on e.g. Which horse are you backing? I'm betting on the new horse Synonym: bet ongagestakegamepunt 5. travel backward e.g. back into the driveway ...
"I HAVEN'T lost my job, but I'm hanging back on any major spending. My CV is ignored by employers And reports today that United are hanging back on Allardyce before seeing if Alan Shearer is interested in replacing Glenn Roeder are simply not correct. Monte Carlo or bust "We have said...
which derives from the Latin verb cadere, ìto (be)fall,î has been elegantly defined16 as an ìunknown and unpredictable element in happenings that seems to have no assignable causeî or a ìforce assumed to cause events that cannot be foreseen or controlled,î and thus a synonym for ...
{JOB-ID}The ID for locating your model's training status. This is in thelocationheader value you received in the previous step.xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxx {API-VERSION}The version of the API you are calling. The value referenced here is for the latest version release...
iex>job=Toniq.failed_jobs|>hdiex>Toniq.retry(job) Or delete the failed job: iex>job=Toniq.failed_jobs|>hdiex>Toniq.delete(job) Automatic retries Jobs will be retried automatically when they fail. This can be customized, or even disabled by configuring a retry strategy for toniq (keep in...
C++ Kopiatu public: static property Microsoft::VisualStudio::Imaging::Interop::ImageMoniker BlendAboutBoxBackground { Microsoft::VisualStudio::Imaging::Interop::ImageMoniker get(); }; Property Value ImageMoniker Applies to ProduktuaBertsioak Visual Studio SDK 2015, 2017, 2019, 2022 ...
DROP PUBLIC SYNONYM パブリック・シノニムの削除 表 注意: 外部表の場合、有効なシステム権限は、CREATE ANY TABLE、ALTER ANY TABLE、DROP ANY TABLEおよびSELECT ANY TABLEです。 CREATE TABLE 権限を付与したスキーマ内での表の作成 CREATE ANY TABLE 任意のスキーマ内での表の作成。なお、...
graniforme to be a synonym of C. geophilum Fr. (Fries 1825). In their monographic study of Cenococcum Fr., Ferdinandsen and Winge (1925) made the new combination C. graniforme (Sow.) Ferd. and Winge. The isolation of a ... ...