pay for pay heed pay off pay out pay packet pay rate pay up payable payables payback paybacks paycheck payday PAYE payee Payena payer paygrade paying paying attention paying back payload paymaster payment payment rate Payne's gray Payne's grey paynim payoff payola pay-phone payroll payroll chec...
pay back pay cash pay claim pay cut pay dirt pay envelope pay for pay heed pay off pay out pay packet pay rate pay up payable payables payback paycheck payday PAYE payed payee Payena payer paygrade paying paying attention paying back payload paymaster payment payment rate Payne's gray Payne...
Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance avenge revenge punish redress requite get even (for) venge penalize chastise repay castigate compensate correct right discipline scourge pay (back) fix chasten get recompense Antonyms & Near Antonyms forgive...
Synonyms for PAYS: compensates, repays, reimburses, remunerates, refunds, recompenses, pays off, pays up; Antonyms of PAYS: stiffs, repudiates, saves, earns, makes, realizes, acquires, wins
could go on and on but the important point to consider is that all of the above synonyms could be interchanged in a sentence. However, when you do replace a word with its synonym, you have to pay close attention to the context so that the synonym will convey the same meaning. For ...
Thread Throw a Fuck Thrum Thumb Thump Tiff Tip Tom Tonygle Toss Touch Trim Trolley Trounce Tumble Tump Turn Twiddle Twigle Ussy-Pay Varnish Vault Violate Wap Wellington Wheel Whip Shack Whitewash Womanize Womp on one Work Yentz Zig-Zag
bow down,build up,cry up,give thanks,make much of,panegyrize,pay homage,pay tribute,rave over,sing the praises,smile on Discover More Example Sentences It has been praised by bands, music organisations and people working to revive the town centre for the boost it is giving to the south ...
What is another word forresult? The wordresultoften refers towhat happens (or what has happened)because of something else. A close synonym forresultisoutcome. Likeresult,outcomeoften implies that something has ended and reached itsconclusion,such as a game or a research project. Another term for...
You then simply take the items you want and pay according to how many sticks you have when you finish. Don’t mistake the character 烫 tàng, meaning “hot, scalding”, for the character 汤 tāng meaning “soup” – even though the sticks of food are cooked in boiling soup. ...
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