The L3Harris Cockpit Familiarization B757 application for iPad and iPhone provides pilots with a self-study and awareness tool through an educational cockpit ex…
The L3Harris Cockpit Familiarization B757 application for iPad and iPhone provides pilots with a self-study and awareness tool through an educational cockpit ex…
* Cockpit panel location and familiarization * Functional description of each switch, pushbutton, and light/annunciator * High fidelity graphics - same graphics used on L3Harris Flat Panel and Desktop Trainers * Capture and reference user-provided notes ...
A glass cockpit is often thought as an aircraft cockpit equipped with large computerized screens which display flight information. It includes feedback loops and the ability for self – checking to alert the pilot about problems before they become emergencies. Glass cockpits will become standard for...
AOPAsays there are more than 500,000 lapsed pilots in the United States under the age of 75. The Rusty Pilot program seeks to get those pilots back in the cockpit. Rusty Pilot presentations and discussions around the country cover the use of newer technology, changes in the airspace system...
B737NGB757机队ACARS系统培训教材(邹)——机务经验交流 飞行人员737NG飞机ACARS系统培训资料 讲义概述 第一章、什么是地空数据链?第二章、地空数据链的应用第三章地空数据通信电报内容、种类、功能和 报文样例第四章机载数据链设备的操作第五章常见问题处理第六章对PDC和ATIS功能的介绍 第一章、什么是地空数据链...
车辆搭载数字化驾驶舱Innovision Cockpit,12英寸可自定义式全液晶仪表、15英寸Discover Premium信息娱乐系统以及HUD抬头显示三屏联动,实时交互,让用户轻松掌握行车信息、车内设备控制、影音娱乐、互联资讯等一系列数字化服务信息。 在兼顾实用性与科技感的车机配置基...
因此智能座舱(Intelligent Cockpit)这一概念迅速走红,频繁出现在各大车企及厂商的新车发布会及宣传活动中,作为提升舱内驾驶体验(In-Vehicle Experience)的一部分,成为打造差异化竞争的亮点之一。 现在就能更好回答您的问题了——对照历...
加之408X锋锐的车身线条与点亮后即爆发出极强冲击力的狮眼大灯与狮爪LED尾灯,让它有一种“初见即心动”的吸引力。外加其3D i-Cockpit沉浸式座舱、10.25英寸3D彩色全液晶组合仪表、10.25英寸高清中控触控屏以及9.7英寸i-Toggles高清触碰屏的配置,“内”“外”结合下,令人感受到层层剥落而出的精致与质感。
Web Cockpit: My Profit Center – Current Situation Web Cockpit: My Orders: Current Situation Web Cockpit: My Orders: Budget Web Cockpit: My Cost Centers: Current Situation Web Cockpit: My Cost Centers - Planning Web Cockpit: My Projects: Budget Web Cockpit: M...