cockpit has been modelled with instrumentation and seats. Cabin is modelled with a few seats which are viseable through the front left door.This model has removable winglets (seperated parts) in order to have a 737 model without them. Flight controls which are cutted out: ailerons, rudder, ...
驾驶舱语音记录器 Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) 航空公司在其批准的运行手册中有关于飞行员何时保护CVR数据的明确说明。飞行员遵照指示,将CVR跳开关拨出,以便于调查。然而,根据航空公司组织内的决定,CVR的跳开关被复位。目前还无法确定在本组织的何处作出这一决定以及作出这一决定的原因。CVR通过X-bus2供电。 测...
不懂智能化的自动驾驶AP按钮外部高保真模拟仪表CockpitForYou (CFY)外设?廊桥,开/使用SAM插件拟真度设置惯导校准时间,真实/长/短加油时间,真实/长/短下高点暂停轮胎擦烟AP接通时移动摇杆会:无效/断开AP/接通驾驶盘控制CWS方式停留刹车设置,真实/简单CDU输入信息时有滞后感AP接通时驾驶杆定中公差自动保存多久一次,分钟...
del 738cockpit_yoke_2k_NML.png del 738cockpit_yoke_2k_LIT.png del 738cockpit_yoke_2k.png del...
del 738cockpit_yoke_2k_NML.png del 738cockpit_yoke_2k_LIT.png del 738cockpit_yoke_2k.png del...
cockpit and cabin preparation ( (Frequencies, Autopilot etc.) Taxi checklist Captain speaking Taxi announcement Flight Attendant Taxi briefing Before Takeoff checklist Takeoff calls (60, 80, V1, Vr, V2, gear up, flaps up) After takeoff checklist ...
The transferee will be allowed to access cabin, cockpit, avionic bay, landing gear bay, engine and APU area and no panels requiring tools may be opened. No borescope of engines and APU will be performed for this deal. 4)Aircraft Registration: The aircraft is under CAACI (Cayman Islands) ...