The L3Harris Cockpit Familiarization B737NG application for iPad and iPhone provides pilots with a self-study and awareness tool through an educational cockpit…
1、驾驶舱培训资料驾驶舱主要面板介绍 Cockpit Panel ArrangementForward Overhead PanelFlight Control Panel1.飞控主电门A、B:位置ON、OFF、STBYRUDON:由系统液压给副翼、方向舵、升降舵、升降舵感觉计算机供压OFF:断开液压,关闭飞控关断活门STBYRUD:断开液压,备用泵工作,备用方向舵关断活门打开,给备用方向舵PCU增压...
1、波音波音737-NG航后检查航后检查驾驶舱驾驶舱定检一中队For training onlyThe standard inspection of BOEING 737-NG after-flight. _COCKPIT1.1.检查飞行记录本在位,是否有故障反映,并正确处理记录本上所反映的故障检查飞行记录本在位,是否有故障反映,并正确处理记录本上所反映的故障 检查标准:1.仔细翻阅飞行...
CockpitPanel Arrangement Forward Overhead Panel Flight Control Panel 1.飞控主电门A、B:位置ON、OFF、STBYRUD ON:由系统液压给副翼、方向舵、升降舵、升降舵感觉计算机供压 OFF:断开液压,关闭飞控关断活门 STBYRUD:断开液压,备用泵工作,备用方向舵关断活门打开,给备用方向舵PCU增压 飞控低压灯: 当飞控主电门A、...
有多个同仁咨询是否可以提供面板图,这些图是从一个软件一个一个截的,软件名称B737 COCKPIT COMPANION,无法整块导出来,整块截图又不清晰。本人通过各面板拼接成的前头顶板位置如下,需要的扫描下载或查看。构型不同会有些差异,后续根据情况可能会更新其他面板。 ◆737NG飞机驾驶舱控制面板的电门和指示(六) ◆737NG...
B737NG驾驶舱面板介绍.pdf,驾驶舱培训资料 驾驶舱主要面板介绍 Cockpit Panel Arrangement Forward Overhead Panel Flight Control Panel 1.飞控主电门 A、B :位置ON、OFF、STBYRUD ON :由系统液压给副翼、方向舵、升降舵、升降舵感觉计算机 供压 OFF :断开液压,关闭飞
This paper analyzes the type, sources and stages of the cockpit noises, hoping to provide references for troubleshooting. The abnormal noises in this paper refer to the sound that the pilots heard during the phases of taxiing, taking off, climbing and cruise.%当机组在技术记录本上记录或口头描述...
This paper analyzes the type, sources and stages of the cockpit noises, hoping to provide references for troubleshooting. The abnormal noises in this paper refer to the sound that the pilots heard during the phases of taxiing, taking off, climbing and cruise.%当机组在技术记录本上记录或口头描述...
B737NG驾驶舱面板培训 波音737-NG航后检查 驾驶舱 ThestandardinspectionofBOEING737-NGafter-flight.___COCKPIT 定检一中队 1.检查飞行记录本在位,是否有故障反映,并正确处理记录本上所反映的故障检查标准:1.仔细翻阅飞行记录本并尽可能的向空勤组了解航空器的技术状况,并按照工单完成各项工作,排除故障缺陷。2...
Boost your learning rate with VRflow B737NG, an advanced, interactive cockpit procedure trainer for the B737 NG. Get ready for your type rating, sim check, MCC…