Just prior to departure of air carrier flight XXX, ramp supervisor came into cockpit with form for captain to sign. It was an air carrier form with our aircraft and flight number properly made out, stating we were carrying a box with a radioactive substance and it had been placed in t...
Both the Overhead panel and the Engineers panel are listed on the FSX Views\New Views\Cockpit pull down menu and I can make them popup / appear when they are selected from there; however I can find no reference to either of them in the Panel.cfg file. Then I don't think they ...
The gate agent asked his supervisor if boarding should proceed. The supervisor said to board the passenger. As we prepared the cockpit for departure, an FAA inspector entered the cockpit and told me that he felt boarding passenger during cleanup of a fuel spill was unsafe. I so noti...
品牌 MCVTALK E2 纪港 绝骑 创牛 建业 COCKPIT 文莹 竣铂连接器 绿源 瀚龙科技 JFS 贤翔连接器 纳盾宝 锦创电子 路亿凡 更多 更新时间:2024年12月14日 综合排序 人气排序 价格 - 确定 所有地区 实力供应商 已核验企业 在线交易 安心购 查看详情 ¥13.00/个 广东广州 电瓶车电动车充电口品字通用转换头...
Cockpit Indicator Dimmer-Incandescent PS4130 MAGNETEK GPD505VB027 USPP GPD505VB027 MAGNETEK GPD503-DS314 NSFP GPD503DS314 1 1/2HP Magnetek DC Motor W245 FREE SHIPPING 1 1/2HP Magnetek DC Motor W245 FREE SHIPPING MAGNETEK GPD 503-DS309, 230VAC 15/10HP, 7.5kW, CIMR-G3U27P5 ...
纽曼 DS.WORLD/迪斯沃 玺稳 Qida E2 铁锵 英杰龙 悠适 两洋 八嘉二 锦骋 Soulor/小能人 Defa 畅志 皇家御碳 ROLYRO/朗力 韩力诺 速卖迪 豫龙 舒语 梦益 赞车源 韵驰 AKTATE GOOD YEAR/固特异 易驹 COCKPIT 赛关公 路鼎吉 铭吉隆 奥驰 智创 世帅 ZONGYUAN 奥美斯 达普 速力达 铭殿阁 名天 德力普 ...
Due to passenger boarding problems we were approximately 20 mins late off the gate at ord. The aircraft, a B727-200 series was booked full and also had 3 flight attendants, captain, first officer, flight engineer and 2 cockpit observers from another company, one of which took the init...
A. 请乘务长到驾驶舱,purser to cockpit,please B. 注意,请乘务长到驾驶 舱,Attention,purser to cockpit,please C. 应急下降,应急下降 Emergency descent 、 emergency descent D. 机组各就各位,机组各就各 位,crew at your station,crew at your station 查看完整题目与答案 使用过的注射器,应装入(...
品牌: 旭兴 智创 滨华 好易德 特耐尔思 COCKPIT 综合排序 人气排序 价格 - 确定 已核验企业 所有地区 查看详情 ¥115.00元 ≥100个 智创ZC-1 蘑菇钉系列 汽车轮胎蘑菇钉 补胎真空胎补胎胶片 胶水工具蘑菇钉钻头 真实性已核验 智创品牌 山东智创重工科技有限公司 2年 山东济宁 查看详情 ¥115.00...
Windows are installed in the aircraft cockpit and the cabin. The different types and locations of the windows are: A. the cockpit windows (windshield, fixed and sliding side) B. the cabin windows C. the passenger/crew door windows D. A+B+C 查看完整题目与答案 Do not use a tech...