朗思考试复习资料LanguageCert-PP1-B2-IESOL-Speaking.pdf,LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Practice Paper 1 Interlocutor’s instructions CHECK THAT THE RECORDER IS ON AND WORKING Test time: 13 minutes I = Interlocutor C = C
Part 4(7questions)1mark for each correct answer.Multiple Choice Sentence Completion Mutiple Matching Multiple Choice Identify:Place,function,addressee,opinion,speaker,topic,content or feeling.Pay attention to the stress and intonation,the speed at which the speakers speak and/or their sex,role,age,...
(1)TodevelopSs’abilitiesoflistening,speaking,reading,and writing. (2)TotraintheSs’abilityofworkingingroups. (3)TofosterSs’abilitiesofcommunicationandtheirinnovation. 3.Emotiongoals: Studentsshoulddosomethingfortheirparents.Toshowtheir thankful.
1Listentotheconversationandchoosethebestanswertoeachofthequestions.?[音频] 参考答案: Shewantstoloseweight#OnTuesday.#Writingacomposition#No,heisn’t.ADAC#我的答案D Adownpour(暴雨)ofrainput___thechildren’sbonfire(篝火). 参考答案: out#熄灭#putout Ahealthiereconomyismadeupofgoodsandservicespeoplewant...
questionsbychoosingthebestanswer. Script: Charles:Speakingofenergyefficiency,whatwasyourfavoriteShanghai Expopavilion? Christine:IwouldsaytheLondonCasePavilion.It’sazero-carbon pavilion. Charles:Itotallyagree!WhenIvisitedit,Ihadlunchinthezero-carbon ...
10、ld be prepared to answer the questions in Ex. 9 and give an oral presentation on the topic in Ex. 10 when next they come to class,编辑课件,3 periods,Review of the listening and speaking skills the students have learned,The teacher begins with the assignment mainly to review the funct...
061.Learn German _ W-Questions _ W-Fra... 05:11 062.Learn German _ German for daily us... 07:10 063.Learn German _ Ordering in a Resta... 10:47 064.Learn German Vocabulary _ 25 usefu... 09:48 065.Learn German _ German Speaking _ M... 06:00 066.Learn German _ Personal ...
Part I Listening to the following dialogue and interpret it as required. After you hear a sentence or a short passage in Chinese, interpret it into English by speaking into the microphone. After you hear a sentence or a short passage in ...
26.The chairman emphasized his ideas by speaking more (loud) ___. 27.There has been a large (grow) ___ of light industries during these years. 28.The manager asked the secretary to (short) ___ the report to 600 words. 29.Living in the country is less (expense) ___ than living...