B2-Unit 9---4 _Boxing Day 17:26 B2-Unit 9---5 _Home for Christmas 14:28 B2-Unit 9---6 Public speaking tips 16:09 B2-Unit 9---7 Emergency response 13:40 B2-Unit 9---8 Going on a blind date 16:10 B2-Unit 9---9 Love at first sight 18:32 B2-Unit 9---...
B2-Unit 9---6 Public speaking tips 16:09 B2-Unit 9---7 Emergency response 13:40 B2-Unit 9---8 Going on a blind date 16:10 B2-Unit 9---9 Love at first sight 18:32 B2-Unit 9---10 Meeting Skills 11:20 B2-Unit 10---1_Someone used my credit card! 18:46 B2-...
English :B2First Use of English Time :1hour 15minutes (Reading &use of English)For Parts 1to 4,you read a range of texts and do grammar and vocabulary tasks.Part 1(8questions)1mark for each correct answer.Part 2(8questions)1mark for each correct answer.Part 3(8questions)1mark for ...
B2 First (FCE) quick links: Use Of English Reading Writing Speaking Back to the Exam Preparation main pageThe following quizzes and exercises are to help you prepare for the Cambridge B2 First exam, previously known as the First Certificate in English (FCE). The information contained below ...
What types of questions are in the paper?There are four sections to the test:Reading and Use of English -75 minutes Writing –2 essays, 80 minutes Listening –40 minutes Speaking –interview, normally with another candidate, 14 minutes
本周六(2019年6月29日)B2 First for Schools考试即将开始,很多小伙伴肯定正在进行最后的备考冲刺! B2 First for Schools,即B2 First青少版(原FCE青少版),是剑桥通用英语第三级,属于剑桥英语证书,有助于让考生在日常生活中更加自如地运用英语。获得B2 First青少版证书的学生具备英文交流环境所需的语言技能。
I love writing so this was my favorite part of the assessment. Lastly, we had a speaking test where we had to talk about a topic for a few minutes. I was a bit nervous at first but then I just started talking and it turned out okay. I talked about my favorite hobby, which is ...
1Listentotheconversationandchoosethebestanswertoeachofthequestions.?[音频] 参考答案: Shewantstoloseweight#OnTuesday.#Writingacomposition#No,heisn’t.ADAC#我的答案D Adownpour(暴雨)ofrainput___thechildren’sbonfire(篝火). 参考答案: out#熄灭#putout Ahealthiereconomyismadeupofgoodsandservicespeoplewant...
The research argued that boys often perform badly in mixed schools because they become discouraged when their female peers do better earlier in speaking and reading skills. But in single-sex schools teachers can tailor lessons to boys’ learning style, letting them move around the classroom and ge...
朗思考试复习资料LanguageCert-PP1-B2-IESOL-Speaking.pdf,LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Practice Paper 1 Interlocutor’s instructions CHECK THAT THE RECORDER IS ON AND WORKING Test time: 13 minutes I = Interlocutor C = C