Part 1(One compulsory task :writing an essay)Part 2(One task to be selected from a choice of three)Compulsory Question (Essay)Situationally Based Writing Task Formal writing.Conjunctive adverbs:Therefore,However,In addition…Adverbs :Particularly,Approximately…Conditionals :2nd &3rd Causative verbs :...
456.How to Get Better at Speaking F... 33:47 457.Learn French in 90 minutes - Th... 1:35:30 458.How to Decode French Gestures... 23:31 459.Gender of French Words Masculin... 29:56 460.Top 10 Lines You'll Need to Rej... 05:33 461.4 Tips to Kill Spoken French Fe... 02...
It includes a compilation of tips , techniques and general advice from Cambridge examiners on what to do to pass the speaking test. There are also Dos and Don’ts tables for each part of the exam. A large number of pictures and visual prompts for Part 2 and Part 3 have been included....
ListeningTasksText:NathenDeesSpeakingTasks PartCTestYourListeningTimetoTalkMovieTime Unit12TheInternet .1 PartAListeningStrategy FindingtheMainIdea Findingthemainideaofaconversationisaveryimportantskillinlisteningcomprehension.Toacquirethisskill,wemustcultivateourabilitytodistinguishbetweenmajorandminorinformation.Weshould...
1.Lookatthefollowingpictures,whatarethesepeopleafraidof?height elevator publicspeaking water Lead-in Shortanswerquestions 2.Didyouhaveafearofsomethingbefore?Ifso,howdidyouovercomeit?Thingsthatyoumightfear:Darkness,loneliness,flying,snakesorspider,etc.Suggestionsonhowtoovercomefears:1.Analyzeyourfearandhavea...
- _ A.Speaking.B.Im not Mary.C.Who are you?D.Mary is well today.答案:A4.- Is i 2、t possible for you to work late tonight? - _ A.I like it.B.Ill do that.C.Id love to.D.I think so.答案:D5.- What do you think of this novel?- _ A.Ive read it.B.Its well-...
Listening & Speaking学习并谈论如何保持健康饮食Lesson 5: Developing ideas了解不同饮食习惯,对饮食习惯进行评判,改善自己的饮食结构Lesson 6: Writing创写菜谱(介绍美食)Lesson 7: Presenting ideas & Reflection向联合国举荐一道中国美食:介绍并推荐单元大观念 了解各国特色美食,学会理解并描述不同饮食文化异同,提升多元...
2.- Thank you for calling. - ___ A.Don't mention it. B.That's fine. C.Nice talking to you. D.Call back again. 正确的答案是:C 3.- Is Johnthere? - ___ A.Speaking. B.I'm not Mary. C.Who are you? D.Mary is well today. 正确的答案是:A 4.- Is it possible for you...
456.How to Get Better at Speaking F... 33:47 457.Learn French in 90 minutes - Th... 1:35:30 458.How to Decode French Gestures... 23:31 459.Gender of French Words Masculin... 29:56 460.Top 10 Lines You'll Need to Rej... 05:33 461.4 Tips to Kill Spoken French Fe... 02...