朗思考试复习资料LanguageCert-PP1-B2-IESOL-Speaking.pdf,LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level 1 International ESOL (Speaking) Practice Paper 1 Interlocutor’s instructions CHECK THAT THE RECORDER IS ON AND WORKING Test time: 13 minutes I = Interlocutor C = C
Part 1(One compulsory task :writing an essay)Part 2(One task to be selected from a choice of three)Compulsory Question (Essay)Situationally Based Writing Task Formal writing.Conjunctive adverbs:Therefore,However,In addition…Adverbs :Particularly,Approximately…Conditionals :2nd &3rd Causative verbs :...
Some other topics are inserted into the Speaking Part. minutes 化和 2 Further listening through the autonomous learning plat orm o U-Campus. O 拓展 ? 本单元的教学手段 The multimedia means is combined with teacher s explanation . 1. One or more topics are designed to give students to answer...
(2)Studentscanlisten,speakandreadthewords:expensive, fountainpen (3)Keystructures:Whatdidyou…?Whata/an…! 2.Abilityaims: (1)TodevelopSs’abilitiesoflistening,speaking,reading,and writing. (2)TotraintheSs’abilityofworkingingroups. (3)TofosterSs’abilitiesofcommunicationandtheirinnovation. ...
206.German Speaking _ Was isst du zu... 10:18 207.machen ODER tun _ Learn German 10:02 208.Learn German _ Common Mistakes ... 03:37 209.B1 Lesson 10 _ Da-Komposita _ Da... 10:52 210.25 Verbs with prepositions Part ... 10:12 211.B1 Lesson 11 _ Da-Komposita TEIL... 11:...
请认真阅读下列各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上 将该项涂黑。1. We are going to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China ___ July 1st, 2021.A. in B. on C. at D. of 【答案】B 2. —Millie, ___ are you...
2periods Unit5GreenLiving ListeningSpeaking Step1.Preview Process Leadthestudentstolookatthe“Objectives”soastomakesurethatthe Studentshavesomeideasofwhatthisunitisallabout. Step2.PartIListening . 丹青不知老将至,贫贱于我如浮云。——杜甫 . 1.Listentotheupcomingshorttalkandthenfillintheblanksin ...
084.Learn German _ German Speaking _ M... 06:32 085.Learn German A2 _ Introducing your... 10:20 086.Learn German _ German Vocabulary 12:06 087.Learn German _ German Grammar _ Da... 10:58 088.Learn German _ Trennbare Verben 11:04 089.Learn German _ German Grammar _ No... 07...
whenwedecidetodosomethingatthemomentofspeaking.(Thespeakerhasnotdecidedbefore)#whenwethinkwillhappeninthefuture. Itis___towalkonthethinice. 参考答案: dangerous#warned#advised Itisaplace___foritswonderfulscenery. 参考答案: famous#which#Whata#iswellknownfor#Isknownfor#isfamousfor#remarkable#the;a Itis...
大家好,这里是爸比资源分享~~今天给大家分享的这套英语口语教材《Speaking Time》适用于9-12岁,共3册。每册书20单元,涉及范围广泛的主题话题。 教材以模仿演讲开篇,提炼关键句式强化口语练习,然后形成自己的演讲。每个级别二十个单元。通过递进...