Speaking 时间:15分钟 题目数量:4部分 要求:考生能够和考官以及另一名考生进行交流。考核考生在交流 过程中参与、理解问题以及回应的能力。 Part 1:introductory phase问答 Part 2:根据题目图片进行描述 Part 3:情景模拟对话 Part 4:任务讨论,对话题的延伸 B2 First / B2 First for Schools考什么? 英语证书 测试...
First Step-Boy-B by:嘻哈有态度 979 First THINGS FIRST by:瑛行 1217 First little readers-E&F by:大红狗原版英语俱乐部 7508 my first piano B by:郭老大Piano 2933 MY FIRST PIANO B by:月光_印象 1.2万 First Little Readers B by:Lilian_Leo ...
B2 First (FCE) quick links: Use Of English Reading Writing Speaking Back to the Exam Preparation main pageThe following quizzes and exercises are to help you prepare for the Cambridge B2 First exam, previously known as the First Certificate in English (FCE). The information contained below ...
本周六(2019年6月29日)B2 First for Schools考试即将开始,很多小伙伴肯定正在进行最后的备考冲刺! B2 First for Schools,即B2 First青少版(原FCE青少版),是剑桥通用英语第三级,属于剑桥英语证书,有助于让考生在日常生活中更加自如地运用英语。获得B2 First青少版证书的学生具备英文交流环境所需的语言技能。 剑桥通...
Aimforthebest,prepare___theworst. 参考答案: for#抱最好的希望,作最坏的准备。#consonance#Consonance#A#B#C#D AllthemembersintheViennaVegetableOrchestrahavefinishedclassicalmusicaltraining. 参考答案: 错 Andy___?cookingdinnerwhenhecamein. 参考答案: was#wascooking#wasdoing#acertainwoman Animalscando...
Successful completion of the FCE shows that a person has the language skills needed to communicate with confidence in an English-speaking setting. The FCE For Schools is another version of the test, designed for students. The FCE is one of a number of Cambridge English Qualifications. Each of...
You will see what the FCE exam is, also known as the B2 First Cambridge English exam. I show you what to expect in the exam and how to prepare for it.
M:Well,I met a really nice woman.We’ve been going out for three months and things look good now. (Text 2) M: When did you first find the door broken and things missing? W:After I got up,around 5:20.Then I called the police station. (Text 3) W: Pass me the flour,please. ...
B2Ul Cultural heritage 词汇练习题 一、单词拼写 (一) 1.Generally speaking, the writing of poems, stories or plays is often called ___ (创造性 的)writing. 2.This has been my worst time for injuries since I started as a ___ (职业的)player. 3.Some students persuaded the wealthy ...