C1 (Advanced Certificate in English) is an English examination provided by Cambridge Assessment English. This general English qualification shows that your English is of a standard expected of a professional business person or an undergraduate university student. C2 (Proficiency Certificate in English) ...
Certificate in advanced English: B2 – Upper IntermediateAnass BERRADASGI Language School London
First certificate in english / FCE / B2 First. A brief information about the B2 First exam and Exam format, Preparation, Result, Reading and Use of English, Writing, Listening and Speaking etc. Why B2 First? Key facts, local exam centre, paper based exam
B2 First, formerly known as the First Certificate in English (FCE) is an exam offered by the Cambridge Assessment English in England. When a candidate completes this exam successfully, he or she has proved adequacy in the English language. The examination is chosen by candidates who want to ...
The following quizzes and exercises are to help you prepare for the Cambridge B2 First exam, previously known as the First Certificate in English (FCE). The information contained below takes into account the changes to the B2 First exam as from 2015....
BEC髙级阅读部分难度要求在剑桥商务英语考试试卷中处于最高级,按剑桥大学考试委员会(U-CLES)规定,应达到 Certificate of Proficiency English (CPE)和 Certificate in Advanced English (CAE)水平。 BEC高级阅读词汇应该达到什么水平? 在BEC初级和中级考试中,"商务"方面的内容影响考试中的词汇、 文章 类型及情景,而语...
第二级,初级水平:初级英语考试(Preliminary English Test,缩略为PET),属于B1-B2水平; 第三级,独立水平:第一英语证书考试(First Certificate in English,缩略为FCE),属于B2-C1水平; 第四级,流利运用:高级英语证书考试(Certificate in Advanced English,缩略为CAE),属于C...
B1证书≠BEC初级证书。A2/B1/B2证书上并没有那句“in the Business English CertificatePreliminary/...
B2 表示没过;意思是:相当于中级水平。B1,B2这样的成绩,首先,这与传统意义上的B完全不是一个概念,得这两个成绩者,均为考试未通过,无法获得正规BEC证书。其中,B1是针对中级考试的,这个分数说明该生未达BEC颁证标准,但是,正确率相对较高;同理,B2是针对高级考试的,也说明该生离真正及格...
剑桥英语考试中的FCE(First Certificate in English)是剑桥英语主套系列考试的第三级,难度较大,大多数考生需要经过KET和PET的学习才能顺利通过。FCE考试充分检测学生的英语听说读写能力,被广泛认可为中高级水平英语考试。本文将从FCE考试的位置、难度、考试内容等方面深入剖析FCE考试相当于何种英语水平。